What Are You Listening To Right This Second?

GAS. No, not the sound of my thundering backside but the German electronic artist(s?) Gas. Pop and Konigforst are long-time faveorites of mine, as far as repetetive ambient music (minimalist vertical listening) goes, but I really dig (what I believe is) the fourth song, untitled, off of Pop. I often listen to it over and over. Stimulating wallpaper. In a way I'm kind of a sensualist, into cultivating an atractive/pleasing(-to-me) environment that helps me maintain a positive grasp on things. (Sometimes though I get a lot of pleasure out of listening to very abrasive, but still catchy, music, and I'm also kind of into asceticism, so my idea of the sensual might strike someone as bare and unfun. I get a lot fo pleasure in throwing away things I no longer need, for instance.)

In general though I've been listening to a lot of heavy r&b, funk, and colorful uptempo soul records. I just got my turntable and records -- after being without them for damn near a year -- so I get A LOT of enjoyment out of blasting this music. And with this need Grado needle and all the empty space in my room this music sounds really good. Think I might throw little dance parties in here, every now and then.

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