The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

Clocker Bob, are you a CIA disinfo agent? Because the level of stupidity that it takes to maintain your conspiracy theory really does stretch my comprehension. It almost seems like you're faking it.

Oh, and you still haven't provided a source for that security guard quote. Instead of a source, you merely link back to your previous post. This is ridiculous, and I'm still waiting.

My hunch is that you're just making it up.
Gay People Rock

The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

Rick Reuben wrote:
NerblyBear wrote:Oh, and you still haven't provided a source for that security guard quote.

The interview will be included in Loose Change Final Cut, cokehead. The witness is not a security guard. The man on the tape is xxxxx xxxxxxxx, Deputy Director, Emergency Services Department, New York City Housing Authority. On 9/11, he was on the news covered with debris, like many survivors seen on television that day.

The witness was with Michael Hess, one of Rudy Giuliani's highest ranking appointed officials, New York City's corporation counsel at the time of 9/11, and now an executive in Giuliani Partners.

The witness is a courageous and honest man, unlike you.

What happened, nerbly? Did your mommy or daddy look over your shoulder while you were on the computer reading 9/11 research and threaten to cut off your trust fund and free tuition if you didn't shill for the official myth? Maybe take away your cola allowance?

Ok, so let's recap the last few pages:

I've rebutted four or five of your conspiracy claims with sourced facts.
You have attempted to challenge none of these rebuttals.
You have quoted one unnamed source, from a film that hasn't been released yet, and which was made by fellow conspiracy nuts, as your one challenge to my rebuttals of your specious evidence.
To save face, you've attacked me for having my college tuition paid for, a cheap tactic indeed, but understandable when a person is backed into a corner and can give no solid evidence.

LOOSE CHANGE is a hoax. It was made by a couple of college kids out looking for a buck. It's been demolished completely. Therefore, your unnamed source has no credibility in my eyes.

This is nonsense. You need to maintain a serious debate with me on any topic of your choice if you want to have any credibility in my eyes. As it stands, your cowardice is only becoming more and more evident.
Gay People Rock

The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

You're not satisfied with four or five rebuttals of your conspiracy claims? Try me. I'm willing to engage on more of your claims if you'll calmly and rationally try to present and defend them. Unlike you, I don't run away from the stuff you bring me.

Also, how do these two passages fit together?:

Rick Reuben wrote:All passengers have allegedly been identified at the Pentagon and Shanksville but none of the nine alleged hijackers of AA 77 and UA 93 were positively identified.

washington post wrote:
The remains of five people killed in the terrorist attack on the Pentagon were damaged beyond identification in the massive explosion and fire after a hijacked airliner crashed into the building's west side, officials said.

Investigators have identified remains of 184 people who were aboard American Airlines Flight 77 or inside the Pentagon, including those of the five hijackers, but they say it is impossible to match what is left with the five missing people.

The Post article says that 5 *victims*' remains were unidentified, not the *hijackers*. You can't even keep your story straight. You're flatly contradicting yourself.

People like NerblyBore who believe that useful DNA was recovered from inside the Pentagon ( where a plane supposedly vaporized ) and from inside a 20 foot hole in PA ( where a plane supposedly tunneled ) should not be trusted on much of anything, other than testimony on their coke addiction.

Actually, the plane wasn't vaporized, and I mentioned that a couple pages ago.

Also, I'm not a "coke addict," you jerk. Try some other way to attack me by ad hominem if you don't want to quote me accurately or rebut my arguments.
Gay People Rock

The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008


You're using two slightly contradictory stories from the Washington Post and CNN, and interpreting their slight contradiction as some sort of evidence that the remains of the hijackers couldn't have been identified. Typical conspiracy theorist bunk.

Here, I even found a source for you. This was a paper written by the Forensic Radiology Team which discovered the identities of all of the people aboard AA Flight 77:

The U.S. military has a time-honored commitment to its members and their families to recover those killed in service, identify their remains properly, and prepare them for appropriate honors and interment. The continued efforts to find those missing from the war in Vietnam and the recent identification of a serviceman from that conflict who was buried in the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery are evidence of this obligation (1). Following the September 11 attack on the Pentagon, as search and rescue efforts began, the process of recovery and identification of those who did not survive was also initiated. Forensic radiology was a key component in the system of casualty identification at the Port Mortuary, Dover Air Force Base, Del. Here, the Office of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner, augmented by a support group of more than 200 military and federal personnel representing all services and many agencies, undertook the identification of remains and forensic investigation of the deaths that occurred at the Pentagon. The military faced a situation unlike past experiences in war and peacetime accidents: a mass-casualty scenario, involvement of military and civilians, and the inclusion of terrorists among civilian casualties.

Radiographic analysis of the remains from this event was a crucial step in the identification of victims and the investigation of the crime scene. The Department of Radiologic Pathology at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, or AFIP, performed this step with support from the Diagnostic Imaging Department of the Dover Air Force Base Medical Clinic. Because of the extraordinary scope of the mass-casualty scenario created by the Pentagon attack, an additional radiologist and military technologists from two reserve components supported the mission. This staff operated up to 12 hours per day, 7 days per week, as required by the volume of recovered remains.

The mortuary has two radiographic rooms equipped with fixed overhead tubes. A daylight film-processing system arrived on the 2nd day of operation to replace a darkroom system. This system greatly reduced the time required to move specimens through the radiographic station. On review of the radiographs, the radiologist completed a report consisting of handwritten notations on a form that showed a schematic skeleton. The comments were brief and were designed to assist those performing other steps in the identification and investigation process, such as forensic dentistry, autopsy, and anthropologic assessment. The report and radiographs traveled with the specimen, and it was easy for professionals at other stations to compare their observations with the report and seek out the radiologist who completed the report for consultation and discussion.

Link: ... &view=full

Oh, and there's still these little details:

* If the hijackers weren't there, why are their voices on both the recorded tapes from the airplanes and the victims' cell phone calls?

* If the hijackers weren't there, how come none of the alleged hijackers have been found alive?

* If the hijackers weren't there, then who was it who went to those flight training schools and learned how to be pilots?

*If the hijackers weren't there, then why were there names on the flight manifests?

* If the hijackers weren't there, then who brought down those planes and who were willing to sacrifice their lives for the Grand Shadow Government Puppet Master Plot to Bring Down the World?

You're a complete moron, and you're making this too easy for me.
Last edited by NerblyBear_Archive on Sun Jul 01, 2007 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Gay People Rock

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