by John C3_Archive
My mobile deciding to fuck up just before the three weeks in which I'll probably need one more than any other time in my life. Curse you, rain!
Yeah, the fucking rain. I quite like rain, and thunder and lighting, but come on you're taking the piss now. Stop please. It's July.
This weird German or possibly Scandinavian man who seems to turn up anytime I go to any public-place-with-the-internets. Usually he just annoys me by turning up, smelling funny, scratching his head vigourously after every time he touches the keyboard and talking to himself loudly. Yesterday he surpassed himself by sitting next to me, smelling like he had a really bad cold, and then - as I later found out - giving me his fucking cold. Fuck you, annoying mainlander!!!
My brother playing 'classic' rock very loudly. Hurray! My Generation again. Oh I do hope We Won't Get Fooled Again is next, I really haven't heard that song anywhere enough times in my life. And I thought I liked The Who.
Having a fucking cold.
The dialogue on the classic Marvel comics from the seventies etc. Having come to the X-Men late I really like investigating the old back stories... I just wish they were written the way they're written now so as not to bore me. No way could you think all those things while you were performing that super quick action, and even if you could, if I were you I'd just think it and not go on about it.
The Fantastic Four. The unnecessary four, more like.
Oh that'll do.