The Threesome

Even more fun than most things I love / I'm all for giving it a shot
Total votes: 34 (59%)
Not all it's cracked up to be / No way in hell I'd be into this
Total votes: 24 (41%)
Total votes: 58

Sexual Act: The Threesome

Christopher_Dragon wrote:
itchy mcgoo wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:I have dated girls who's vaginas were not very good at all at receiving and sustaining sexual pleasures. Like sandpaper it was.

The most frequent cause of this condition is "lack of arousal".
Just so you know.

OR she might actually have sandpaper up her Ho Ho®
just sayin' it is a possibility

Also known as having an "itchy mcgoo." This condition can last from May 14th 2005 to the present, and is common in the Chicago region.

Sexual Act: The Threesome

Mark Hansen wrote:I had one once. It was quite fun, but it also, in retrospect, signaled the beginning of the end of the relationship with the girlfriend involved.

Me too. I thought it was kickass at first. Then she told me she and this same girl had already done it before with a male co-worker.

That was crap.

Sexual Act: The Threesome

STF wrote:Me too. I thought it was kickass at first. Then she told me she and this same girl had already done it before with a male co-worker.

That was crap.

That's part of the nature of the thing though, unless the gals are in a couple or one is your girlfriend. The third option is that they're two friends who like to work on this kind of thing together.

Sexual Act: The Threesome

Flaneur wrote:That's part of the nature of the thing though, unless the gals are in a couple or one is your girlfriend.

She was my girlfriend, that's why I was so pissed off. The guy they did it with before was a devious, short, balding George Costanza-looking accountant motherfucker. I have to give him credit, though - he was enterprising. I hear he did little but look for opportunities for threesomes. He was engaged to an attractive younger woman who knew nothing about this...

I did something about that.

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