Drug: LSD. Crap Or Not Crap?

I've done it. CRAP.
Total votes: 13 (10%)
I've never done it. CRAP.
Total votes: 19 (15%)
I've done it. NOT CRAP.
Total votes: 80 (61%)
I've never done it. NOT CRAP.
Total votes: 19 (15%)
Total votes: 131

Drug: LSD

I took some with my sweetheart just about a week ago, whilst vacationing in the coastal area in the north of Holland. It had been a couple of years. We spent a whole night falling into ditches, staring at the sea, wandering about the lighthouse, crying with laughter and ducking for cover at any sight of fellow human life.

It was al kinds of magic.

Salut! LSD.

Drug: LSD

sunlore wrote:We spent a whole night falling into ditches, staring at the sea, wandering about the lighthouse, crying with laughter and ducking for cover at any sight of fellow human life.

That sounds like fun.

Drug: LSD


i quit smoking pot in high school cuz i got some bad stuff (pcp laced) but i kept doing acid. loved the stuff. i would do it at school and not tell anyone i was on it or else they would act all stupid and try to make me "trip-out."

i remember during one dose, during my geometry course--i was 15--i was having a LOT of problems with a particular chapter all prior to this day. turns out i had an exam that day. all of the sudden i "got it" and aced the exam.

every now and then (like when i'm listening to krautrock) i want to try it again. it's been at least 15 years.
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.

Drug: LSD

Marsupialized wrote:I had a good friend, I got him some for the first time after he bugged me forever about it and he snapped and was never the same.
He had a REAL bad night, attacking imaginary creatures who were trying to eat him in my basement. He just took off out the door and now I haven't talked to him in years, we were good friends and I never saw him again after that evening.
Our friends in common all tell me he's out of it now and blames me for screwing him up.
Sorry dude, my bad.

This is exactly the kind of the story that has always scared the bejeezus out of me. Apparently it's not a myth.

Drug: LSD

Rachi wrote:NC when you get clean stuff.

I haven't experienced a bad trip yet. (fingers crossed)

I bought a whole lot for my 21st on the weekend and it was awesome to be sourrounded by all of my best friends and family tripping real hard.

You dropped acid with your family (that is to say...you took the acid and so did your folks)?

kerble wrote:Ernest Goes to Jail In Your Ass

Drug: LSD

Minotaur029 wrote:
Rachi wrote:NC when you get clean stuff.

I haven't experienced a bad trip yet. (fingers crossed)

I bought a whole lot for my 21st on the weekend and it was awesome to be sourrounded by all of my best friends and family tripping real hard.

You dropped acid with your family (that is to say...you took the acid and so did your folks)?


Ha not quite with folks, they were there but they didn't want to, but my sister and cousins did. Along with the friends of course.
I'll post photos later.

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