Earwicker wrote:And didn't the gun have a fault (the scope?)
And why wouldn't he go for the clearer, easier shot as the vehicle was traveling slowly, directly toward the window Oswald (1,2 or 3) was allegedly in?
(granted this last question does nothing to highlight the situation but adds to the overall sense that the official explanation is suspicious)
Anyways, Galanter, I've heard there is some explanation for how the bullet swam around in mid air shooting several people in several different places before being discovered later and I'd be interested in seeing this explanation. Can you point me to a link to some info on that?
Also Galanter were you around when the thread regarding the CIA's involvement in Bobby Kennedy's death was floating around?
I've been able to actually look out the window Oswald shot from. At the time the very first thing I thought was "Why didn't he shoot when the cars were coming at him?" It looked like a better shot to me too. Some ideas:
* Because he wanted to be sure he was shooting at Kennedy and there was a long stream of cars.
* Because he was really shooting at Connelly who, riding in the jump seat, would be lower and harder to see.
*Because after the first shot it would be easier for agents or others to shield Kennedy from the front than the back. (Recall the agent climbing on the back of the limo well after it was too late).
* Because he was a coward, and shooting someone in the face is a lot harder than shooting them in the back.
* Because he was uncertain until the very last moment about doing it at all.
Ultimately we may never know. I lean towards some combination of the last three.
I believe the scope was a bit misaligned, but if he had been target shooting with the rifle he could compensate for that from experience.
Regarding the magic bullet...
The little magical dance would be required if Kennedy and Connelly were seated one directly in the front of the other and both at the same level. So here is what the standard theory critics would present.
This seating is a natural assumption to make...but it's factually incorrect. Connelly was in a limo jump seat which was both lower than and to the left of Kennedy's position. Here is what actually happened.
Keep in mind that Connelly's seat is also lower than Kennedy's, and that is why the shot can travel downward through both of them as it does.