all right, bitches. I'm getting all polite up in this bullshit.
Anybody want a postcard from S.E. Asia: pm me. I'm getting all muthafuggin manners up in this travel shit and am sending postcards for the first time in my life. So have at it.
Step one: pm bumba your address
Step two: start a betting pool
Step three: see if I manage to not be a dick for the first time in, oh, ever.
Little details from your day
2955burun wrote:...a fucking care package full of SE Asian candy and shit.
...nicotine candy?
Little details from your day
2956This is a composite of a few weeks:
When I first moved here, I noticed all these cock and balls drawn on every other apartment building a block south of me.
I also noticed that the Asian lobster house, which goes by the name William Ho's, had also been graffitied.
As you walk south from where we dwell, You come across a brass edifice at William Ho's.
It says William Ho's and there's a space before you see two dragons in profile view facing one another.
In the space between William Ho's and the dragons it said:
"Fresh Women"
Go past the entrance, you had the same facade but it said "clean vag".
Two weeks ago I saw this group of giggling girls wearing t-shirts that said: Got Cock" on the front and had the same cock and balls on the back with the text: Big enough."
I live in a penis obsessed place.
When I first moved here, I noticed all these cock and balls drawn on every other apartment building a block south of me.
I also noticed that the Asian lobster house, which goes by the name William Ho's, had also been graffitied.
As you walk south from where we dwell, You come across a brass edifice at William Ho's.
It says William Ho's and there's a space before you see two dragons in profile view facing one another.
In the space between William Ho's and the dragons it said:
"Fresh Women"
Go past the entrance, you had the same facade but it said "clean vag".
Two weeks ago I saw this group of giggling girls wearing t-shirts that said: Got Cock" on the front and had the same cock and balls on the back with the text: Big enough."
I live in a penis obsessed place.
Rift Canyon Dreamspwalshj wrote:I have offered you sausage.
Little details from your day
2957I just started work on a screenplay. This is probably the worst idea I've ever had.
Little details from your day
2958burun wrote:I saw Ratatouille, and it was really, really good.
I highly recommend it, especially if you like
a) rats
b) food
c) "foodie" culture
d) all of the above
It also contains one of the most "adult" lines I have ever heard in a "kids" movie, but none of the kids I saw it with got it.
I saw the first hour of this. On a boat no less.
The first hour was really good.
Mike G.
Little details from your day
2959Just got home. Passed by a 7-11 that has been transformed into a Quick E Mart for the Simpsons. The manger inside was wearing an Apu nametag.
They sold Duff beer and pink donuts, I'm told.
They sold Duff beer and pink donuts, I'm told.
Little details from your day
2960I started a new job today. I am working alongside A 9/11 CONSIPARCY THEORIST! ARRRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Rick Reuben wrote:He went to bed about a decade ago, or whenever he sold his soul to the bankers and the elites.daniel robert chapman wrote:I think he's gone to bed, Rick.