The Threesome

Even more fun than most things I love / I'm all for giving it a shot
Total votes: 34 (59%)
Not all it's cracked up to be / No way in hell I'd be into this
Total votes: 24 (41%)
Total votes: 58

Sexual Act: The Threesome

tommydski wrote:This may as well go here.

Envisage a hypothetical scenario whereby you might be called upon to do the no pants dance with a girl who is really, really hot (keeping you awake at night thinking about her hot) even though she has a love-of-her-life boyfriend. Say they had reached the stage in their relationship where they had been together for ages and it had lost all sense of excitement, thus were experimenting with other people. Since it would be just a fling, the idea is that the couple would see through the grass is always greener myth and live a long and happy life.

If the guy said it was pretty much okay, would you go for it? Also, would you try to talk to said guy personally?

From a selfish point of view I think it depends on wether or not you have to be around these people after the act. If you do or if they (or she) are friends of yours then don't do it.

If you never have to see them again, well then it's up to you.

That's not much help is it?
simmo wrote:Someone make my carrot and grapefruits smoke. Please.

Sexual Act: The Threesome

Rotten Tanx wrote:
tommydski wrote:This may as well go here.

Envisage a hypothetical scenario whereby you might be called upon to do the no pants dance with a girl who is really, really hot (keeping you awake at night thinking about her hot) even though she has a love-of-her-life boyfriend. Say they had reached the stage in their relationship where they had been together for ages and it had lost all sense of excitement, thus were experimenting with other people. Since it would be just a fling, the idea is that the couple would see through the grass is always greener myth and live a long and happy life.

If the guy said it was pretty much okay, would you go for it? Also, would you try to talk to said guy personally?

From a selfish point of view I think it depends on wether or not you have to be around these people after the act. If you do or if they (or she) are friends of yours then don't do it.

If you never have to see them again, well then it's up to you.

That's not much help is it?

I had kind of a similar thing happen once. I had a girl there and my friend had a girl there, we were doing it with our respective girls in the same room. My friend passes out and his girl comes over to us and we all sin together. In the morning me and his girl were the first ones up, and we sinned some more just me and her.
She told him and I told my girl and nobody cared, really. We all still hang out and it's not weird.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Sexual Act: The Threesome

Rotten Tanx wrote:
tommydski wrote:This may as well go here.

Envisage a hypothetical scenario whereby you might be called upon to do the no pants dance with a girl who is really, really hot (keeping you awake at night thinking about her hot) even though she has a love-of-her-life boyfriend. Say they had reached the stage in their relationship where they had been together for ages and it had lost all sense of excitement, thus were experimenting with other people. Since it would be just a fling, the idea is that the couple would see through the grass is always greener myth and live a long and happy life.

If the guy said it was pretty much okay, would you go for it? Also, would you try to talk to said guy personally?

From a selfish point of view I think it depends on wether or not you have to be around these people after the act. If you do or if they (or she) are friends of yours then don't do it.

If you never have to see them again, well then it's up to you.

That's not much help is it?

There's nothing wrong with a scenario like this. As long as they talked about it before hand, and it's cool with all the people involved, why not do it?
Marsupialized wrote:I want a piano made out of jello.
It's the only way I'll be able to achieve the sound I hear in my head.

Sexual Act: The Threesome

Earwicker wrote:After reading this lot I think I'm going to put the camera down and become a musician.

You fellas seem to have a lot more fun.

Who says you can't do both? (Pun intended)
Marsupialized wrote:I want a piano made out of jello.
It's the only way I'll be able to achieve the sound I hear in my head.

Sexual Act: The Threesome

as I was walking up to my door, I noticed that outside the bar across the street there were 2 older, balding beer gut dudes and an extremely short, fat blonde woman all viciously making out with each other, grabbing wach other's junk, trying to catch a cab.

Right about now somewhere in this city those people are all naked.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Sexual Act: The Threesome

There are some seriously funny posts here.

The downside is that unlike a normal sex episode, there will be conversations about the event from two parties who were there who are not you.

That means even more to live up to than just your normal fumblings and "sub-par sex" (my favorite expression from this thread).
Know when to be tender, and know when to fuck hard... and stay off the couch.

The nacho chips will not be talking about the event to it's friends about the event... the girls will.
"If you can't get 'yer rock & roll across in less than two minutes,
another five isn't going to make the difference"
- Lin Brehmer

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