Little details from your day

Seen on a t-shirt at the Hilbert Firemen's picnic yesterday in Hilbert, WI:

"Git-her-drunk, then GIT-R-DONE"

Please note that the designer decided to spell out "her" and not shorten it to "R," lest the subtle intricacies of this deft humor go unnoticed.

The shirt was incredibly faded and worn, implying that this was this dude's favorite shirt. Or only shirt.

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

Little details from your day

burun wrote:
kerble wrote:I slid the paper towel out of the little ziplock baggie and opened it up AND IT WAS CRACK.

I am gonna do something I have never done.

I was walking down the street and I saw a little ziplock baggie-the littliest one you can get--it was full of a white powder. I picked it up 'cause some kid could have found it. It was that little. I was rolling it in my fingers and the baggie broke open and I smushed it like a bug on the ground. I hope it wasn't Heroin.
Ty Webb wrote:I hope the little-known 8th dwarf, Chinky, is on that list.

Little details from your day

My day thus far:
Alarm doesn't go off. Jump out of bed, go to feed cat and there was no kitty crackers, hop in shower, get dressed, run to servo and get kitty food, run back home and get cold stares from my cat, feed cat, miss my bus, walk to work in rain, glug down a coffee, glug down another coffee.

But it's friday!

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