
Total votes: 15 (19%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 64 (81%)
Total votes: 79

Band: Portishead

glynnisjohns wrote:To be honest as much as the first record kicks ass, i find the song cowboys to be one of P-Heads best.

i listened a lot to the 2 Portishead records last week. it´s amazing how "un-dated" they are. compared with other things from that era (drum n bass, david bowie's 'earthling', eww), it sounds great, and the production is amazing. it´s always only 3 or 4 elements, or even less, and it works incredibly well.
plus, now that i play guitar, i can know how incredible is all the guitar playing in the record.
so yeah, i'm a pussy.

Band: Portishead

Dummy was one of those records that really sounded like it'd been made in outer space. I had no real point of reference to it when I first heard it. All I knew was that it was amazing and utterly beautiful. I remember when I first got it - in Chicago on a school trip, and I had it playing as I was walking the streets of Chicago at night after it had rained and it was all wet and foggy and dark in the city. I don't think you could even find a better atmosphere for a first-time listen to Portishead.

Absolutely not crap. The second album is actually really scary in places ("Cowboys," "All Mine," and especially "Humming"...good lord), but it isn't flawless like Dummy was; there are a couple tracks on there which suck the dong (Seven Months and Elysium are horrid). But overall, still a marvelous effort, even if Beth Gibbons' relentless depression gets a little hard to stomach after a while.

I never did hear the live album. I remember getting all excited when I heard they'd be putting out an album in...what, 2003 or so, called Alien, but that turned out to be a rumor. I fell completely for it too...well, now they're actually gonna release a new one. Hopefully it's as good as the second album was. I'm honestly not expecting another Dummy.
Life...life...I know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

Band: Portishead

The Code is Almighty wrote:Everything they've done sounds like the soundtrack to an old James Bond film. And I have no problem with that.

Not Crap.

Does everyone have the 'To Kill a Dead Man' ep?

Nope. But I've seen the movie. It really kind of sucks, but it's also really fun in a completely amateurish way. Not a word of dialogue...probably a good thing. They used a lot of the footage for the "Sour Times" video too.

The best Portishead video is doubtlessly "Only You." What an amazingly bizarre video that is.
Life...life...I know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

Band: Portishead


Beth Gibbons = Ozzy Osbourne?

you know, I could kind of see it, too...bizarre...but only kind of, I can't imagine Beth singing "N.I.B." even if I tried, that would be too traumatic
Life...life...I know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

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