I'll be "glad" to provide the genesis of this poll should it generate any interest.
Suffice it to say I'm a non-white male who will be the one making money off the "Vote for the Nigger not the Cunt" t-shirts come Democratic primary times in your state....
Most Offensive: Nigger vs. Cunt
2Well, this board is the first place I've ever heard of the word cunt as being particularly offensive to women. In both this poll and one other post before, I don't exactly remember the topic. But I've always heard the word cunt directed at all people... that is, it'd seem normal to me to also call a man a cunt, if he deserved the smiting.
But if this poll doesn't entirely have to do with discriminatory slurs... I'd definitely say the word nigger is much more offensive than cunt, overall.
Personally, however, I'd find it funny if someone called me a nigger.
But if this poll doesn't entirely have to do with discriminatory slurs... I'd definitely say the word nigger is much more offensive than cunt, overall.
Personally, however, I'd find it funny if someone called me a nigger.
Most Offensive: Nigger vs. Cunt
3I vote Crap.
Also, the "N word" is the more offensive of the two, by quite a wide margin.
Also, the "N word" is the more offensive of the two, by quite a wide margin.
Most Offensive: Nigger vs. Cunt
5Is this really even a question. Personally I've never even understood why people find cunt to be offensive. It's the same as twat,pussy,hatchet wound,gash,pink taco etc. to me
Rimbaud III wrote:
I won't lie to you, I don't want to be invisible so that I can expose the illuminati, I just want to see Natalie Portman DJing at her downstairs disco.
Most Offensive: Nigger vs. Cunt
6Cunt has a redundant meaning that is exceedingly offensive and crosses the line somewhat, but then again, so does cock. That said, it couldn't ever be as bad as nigger.
Most Offensive: Nigger vs. Cunt
8this profile no longer exists
Last edited by beloveless_Archive on Mon Dec 17, 2007 6:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Most Offensive: Nigger vs. Cunt
9god this shit is retarded
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom
Most Offensive: Nigger vs. Cunt
10I'm not offended by either word, but Nigger is more offensive by a mile.
Marsupialized wrote:I want a piano made out of jello.
It's the only way I'll be able to achieve the sound I hear in my head.