I remember clearly my father explaining to me when I was very young during a trip over the border to get some fireworks that people from Indiana are all stupid because the shit and piss from their cows and horses runs off directly into their drinking water.
I still to this day believe that to be the case.
Little details from your day
3102benadrian wrote:Mark Hansen wrote:Colonel Panic wrote:Hey, some of my friends are from Indiana...
I know a lot of people who escaped from Indiana.
I most certainly did.
Ben Adrian
My parents just bought a "summer home" in Indiana...Long Beach...it's 5 minutes away from Michigan.
Apparently it's beautiful. Heavily wooded. On Lake Michigan. I remain skeptical.
I escaped Indiana at the tender age of 3 years old.
kerble wrote:Ernest Goes to Jail In Your Ass
Little details from your day
3103Indianapolis was a great town to grow up as a weirdo. It was easy to be different, there was nothing to do and lees of a formula to follow if you wanted to do something non-standard. there were a lot of interesting bands and artists. There were also a ton of shitty ones as well.
However, Indianapolis is very cheap and has enough resources that it's easy to just live a day to day life in comfort and isolation. This leads to a lot of people losing their motivation. Most of the great bands I knew were happy playing their one show a month, working part time, living in their cheap apartments or rented houses. they never seemed to get up the strength to record much or tour at all. Indy seems to suck people into a reptitive, slow, cozy, mediocre life.
Ben Adrian
However, Indianapolis is very cheap and has enough resources that it's easy to just live a day to day life in comfort and isolation. This leads to a lot of people losing their motivation. Most of the great bands I knew were happy playing their one show a month, working part time, living in their cheap apartments or rented houses. they never seemed to get up the strength to record much or tour at all. Indy seems to suck people into a reptitive, slow, cozy, mediocre life.
Ben Adrian
Little details from your day
3105I recently had a strand of hair tested for thing I maybe allergic to and I found out I am allergic to dairy!
Now for coffee with soy milk, this is gonna take some getting used to.
It has now been raining for a week and I can feel the 'no sun blues'.
Now for coffee with soy milk, this is gonna take some getting used to.
It has now been raining for a week and I can feel the 'no sun blues'.
Little details from your day
3106Well, take solace in the news that it has rained for roughly 40 days and 40 nights over here. I would make an ark but all the wood's wet as fuck. Where was our prophet? Who was meant to be taking notes? I hate biblical shit. It's completely out of proportion and one sided. Burning bush? Forest fires. I think global warming was caused by the Christians on purpose.
Tom wrote: I remember going in the back and seeing him headbanging to Big Black. He looked like he was raping the air- really. He had this look on his face like, "yeah air... you know you want it.".
Little details from your day
3107Rachi wrote:Now for coffee with soy milk, this is gonna take some getting used to.
Try rice milk. It has a subtle sweetness to it, and none of that funky soy milk flavor. It froths up nicely, too, if you're into lattes.
Little details from your day
3108I'm currently manually recovering the files from my fucked iPod. A great program called IpodRip has recovered most of the music, but has saved it as seemingly arbitrarily named files. All have a four letter name starting with AAAA and progressing through the alphabet. For some reason my computer won't let me 'select all' and then 'open with > iTunes', so I have to open them manually by double-clicking them. I have so far got as far as the beginning of the 'E' names.
Altogether there are 7,189 files to be opened. That's 14,378 clicks!
Tomorrow - E to M.
Altogether there are 7,189 files to be opened. That's 14,378 clicks!
Tomorrow - E to M.
arthur wrote:Don't cut it for work don't cut it to look normal, people who feel offended by your nearly-30-with-long-hair face should just fuck off.
Little details from your day
3109Maurice wrote:Rachi wrote:Now for coffee with soy milk, this is gonna take some getting used to.
Try rice milk. It has a subtle sweetness to it, and none of that funky soy milk flavor. It froths up nicely, too, if you're into lattes.
Soy tends to give bad gas as well. Rice milk is the bomb.
Marsupialized wrote:The last time I saw her, she had some Jewish bullshit going on
ubercat wrote:You're fucking cock-tease aren't you, you little minx.
Little details from your day
3110night_tools wrote:I'm currently manually recovering the files from my fucked iPod. A great program called IpodRip has recovered most of the music, but has saved it as seemingly arbitrarily named files. All have a four letter name starting with AAAA and progressing through the alphabet. For some reason my computer won't let me 'select all' and then 'open with > iTunes', so I have to open them manually by double-clicking them. I have so far got as far as the beginning of the 'E' names.
Altogether there are 7,189 files to be opened. That's 14,378 clicks!
Tomorrow - E to M.
ephpod might work better.