Little details from your day

Marsupialized wrote:I remember clearly my father explaining to me when I was very young during a trip over the border to get some fireworks that people from Indiana are all stupid because the shit and piss from their cows and horses runs off directly into their drinking water.
I still to this day believe that to be the case.

Couldn't this process be streamlined by applying an appropriate length of conduit? Maybe a little glycerin on the ends? The livestock could be omitted, and you could fly southern, 'solo'...

Sorry. I'm angry with southerners in general, largely due to the Missouri Compromise, which forced my direct contact with genuine southerners for years, despite my position relative to the Mason/Dixon Line...

Little details from your day

night_tools wrote:I'm currently manually recovering the files from my fucked iPod. A great program called IpodRip has recovered most of the music, but has saved it as seemingly arbitrarily named files. All have a four letter name starting with AAAA and progressing through the alphabet. For some reason my computer won't let me 'select all' and then 'open with > iTunes', so I have to open them manually by double-clicking them. I have so far got as far as the beginning of the 'E' names.

Altogether there are 7,189 files to be opened. That's 14,378 clicks!
Tomorrow - E to M.

You need to change your mouse settings so that one click = doubleclick.

Save your wrists. You may need them later.

Little details from your day

There was a forest fire today that got about 100 yards from my house before the volunteer firefighters got it under control. That was pretty fucking scary. When I was driving back from town and saw the smoke, I was sure it was my house that was burning.

Tomorrow, I'm gonna get me some renter's insurance.
dontfeartheringo wrote:I need people to act like grown folks and I just ain't seeing it.

Little details from your day

Brett Eugene Ralph wrote:There was a forest fire today that got about 100 yards from my house before the volunteer firefighters got it under control. That was pretty fucking scary. When I was driving back from town and saw the smoke, I was sure it was my house that was burning.

Tomorrow, I'm gonna get me some renter's insurance.

I don't want to piss on your fire (pun possibly intended) but isn't a forest fire an 'Act of God'?
Tom wrote: I remember going in the back and seeing him headbanging to Big Black. He looked like he was raping the air- really. He had this look on his face like, "yeah air... you know you want it.".

Little details from your day

noise&light wrote:
night_tools wrote:I'm currently manually recovering the files from my fucked iPod. A great program called IpodRip has recovered most of the music, but has saved it as seemingly arbitrarily named files. All have a four letter name starting with AAAA and progressing through the alphabet. For some reason my computer won't let me 'select all' and then 'open with > iTunes', so I have to open them manually by double-clicking them. I have so far got as far as the beginning of the 'E' names.

Altogether there are 7,189 files to be opened. That's 14,378 clicks!
Tomorrow - E to M.

You need to change your mouse settings so that one click = doubleclick.

Save your wrists. You may need them later.

Thanks noise&light, and that damned fly for your suggestions.

Smurf you in the face, BadComrade!
arthur wrote:Don't cut it for work don't cut it to look normal, people who feel offended by your nearly-30-with-long-hair face should just fuck off.

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