ACT: Sneaking out of work for a crafty smoke.
2Not so easy to do if you work in an oil depot like me but bliss if it can be achieved. The trick is sneaking out the front past the bosses office to get away from the oil tanks.
Last guy who tried to smoke in the yard blew up the depot at Hemel Hampstead (UK members may remember).
What a dick, miracle no one got killed.
Last guy who tried to smoke in the yard blew up the depot at Hemel Hampstead (UK members may remember).
What a dick, miracle no one got killed.
placeholder wrote:I liked 'em better before they met each other. Once they wrote songs, they went to crap.
ACT: Sneaking out of work for a crafty smoke.
4What kind of smoke?
Sneaking about like a pusillanimous 15 year old hiding the habit from his parents is kind of a CRAP reflection on the employer. I dunno. Let's call it NOT CRAP because I understand it can be a necessity.
But getting stoned on the clock? Pretty fucking NOT CRAP when you're a teenager and kind of hate your job. I used to smoke with my old manager in the yard behind the building and then we'd play the Melvins when we returned--makes the zombie labor quite pleasant, really. Yet the fact that he was in his 30s, supporting a wife, and had been with the company for a few years kind of gives me pause. Throw in 4 waffles for anyone that makes pot that much of a priority. Though I will probably be that guy in 15 years.
Sneaking about like a pusillanimous 15 year old hiding the habit from his parents is kind of a CRAP reflection on the employer. I dunno. Let's call it NOT CRAP because I understand it can be a necessity.
But getting stoned on the clock? Pretty fucking NOT CRAP when you're a teenager and kind of hate your job. I used to smoke with my old manager in the yard behind the building and then we'd play the Melvins when we returned--makes the zombie labor quite pleasant, really. Yet the fact that he was in his 30s, supporting a wife, and had been with the company for a few years kind of gives me pause. Throw in 4 waffles for anyone that makes pot that much of a priority. Though I will probably be that guy in 15 years.
ACT: Sneaking out of work for a crafty smoke.
5I smoke in the bathroom while I shit
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom
ACT: Sneaking out of work for a crafty smoke.
6Marsupialized wrote:I smoke in the bathroom while I shit
after sex?
zom-zom wrote:Why do drummers insist on calling the little stools they sit on "thrones"? Kings of nothing.
ACT: Sneaking out of work for a crafty smoke.
7eephour wrote:Marsupialized wrote:I smoke in the bathroom while I shit
after sex?
I have been known to engage in some self exploration at work, sure
I mean if you can get paid to jerk off, aren't you gonna wait till you get to work to do it?
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom