kickerofelves wrote:I came to Portland from California this week to stay with an ex--I suppose it some insane and desperate attempt to resolve our recent break-up. It's been hell.
But when I went out for my bedtime smoke around dawn, it was raining like crazy. By some grace it has persisted throughout the day and I no longer miss California.
I was driving down some narrow backroad to find parking today and I saw a decrepit obese man speeding toward me on an electric wheelchair. In my insomnia haze I thought he was a robot for a second, and then almost killed myself trying to get out of his way because the crazy robot man insisted on going 5mph in the middle of this undersized road. If my face betrayed half the bewildered hysteria and frustration I felt, then any sane man would have puttered the hell out of my way. But as I wait for him to pass he stops at my window and hands me a pamphlet, with naught but a soft murmur which I think was his drooling approximation of the word "God." It was, of course, church propaganda.
Now I am sitting on a couch with a kitten sleeping in my lap, working through a pack of cheap cigarettes and listening to Electr-O-Pura. The understated genius of Ira Kaplan is the closest thing to an angel I can perceive right now. This kitten is the biggest asshole I've ever seen and even she is lulled into compassion by this lovely album.
1 year ago today I was sleeping in an airport in New Hampshire.
Powerful story, my friend.
[S]till, there is something electric and surreal about my July 17ths.
Me, too. Today I've been clean for twelve years.
dontfeartheringo wrote:I need people to act like grown folks and I just ain't seeing it.