All Tomorrows Parties

It was cold.
The twenty minutes of Wolf Eyes I heard sounded like the callings of strange large terrifying animals.
Lightning Bolt were jesus-fucking-christ good. They sounded more violent than earlier this year. They sounded like the music to a bloody ritual preceding a riot against the bullshit of all the world. My favourite bit came when the singer/drummer asked the apeshit audience to sit down. We all sat down. They then played a song which rose and spiralled upwards so menacingly you could see everyone gradually rising and rising until the tension became unbearable, then they suddenly went all hard again, and everyone jumped in the air and started hitting each other.
Shellac were excellent. They were more confrontational than the Scala shows. The set was similar. The audience was belligerent to the point that the Q&A broke down.
Throbbing Gristle were well-dressed. They were drone-y and goth-y. They were quite good.
The Liars were arse.
Trail Of Dead were dull.
Little Wings were tasty.
Peaches danced really well on that dancing arcade machine they have. I didn't see her play.
A man DJ'ed onstage in a portaloo with a webcam broadcasting the results on a screen. Why?
Aphex Twin played on Sat night. If he actually turned up. What came out of the man-shaped speaker stacks was so fast and violent and dark and gleeful it felt like it rearranged me. It was like being torn apart and put back together again by a machine. The lights flashed. Strange hammers ordered me around. Sexual electronic dominance. I have still not completely recovered.

The music in the bar was lovely.
The beach was lovely.
Most of the people were lovely.

The end.

All Tomorrows Parties

Yes, what a great weekend. Lightening Bolt sounded like a fireworks factory had just exploded, in other words Brilliant.

Pelican were impressive; the new songs sound good.

Sunn O))) surprised me, I wasn't expecting to like them too much but I really enjoyed they're set.

Shellac - good
Aphex Twin - great
Trail of Dead - great
Comets on Fire - good

All together a very enjoyable ATP, got mad drunk and had loads of fun. That festival just gets better every time I go. Let it never die.

All Tomorrows Parties I salute you!
ToM - If it wasn't for the last minute nothing would get done.

All Tomorrows Parties

hmm, first post here, and i just got back from atp soo, kinda feels apropriate...

first ever atp for me, and it was great...shellac/mercury rev/the fall/asmz/little wings/growing/aphex/lightning bolt/minutemen/trail of dead/pelican all fantastic...

throbbing gristle sucked, like they were trying too hard. sorry, but it was rubbish.

oh, and i did the great thing of collapsing 1 song before the end of shellac...and it wasnt the fault of drugs or alcohol. soo i now have a camera and a pair of glasses [that did considerable damage to my nose] missing...

but all in all, damn fine weekend
Last edited by rich_Archive on Mon Dec 06, 2004 3:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
dance dance dance dance dance dance dance to the radio...

All Tomorrows Parties

I'm having very mixed feelings about this weekend.
There where times of near-religious exitement and there was many a moment of boredom.
I felt there was a strange atmosphere allot of the time.

The Liars where great. First time i heard them.
Little wings was very nice.
Destroy All Monsters was nice.
Aphex twin kicked my ass and i met a wonderful person during hes show.
Even though i hate the whole reunion vibe, The Fall was very nice.
really enjoyed the movies allot too.
Lots of short moments meeting people and lots of smalltalk.
Overall, not bad.

All Tomorrows Parties

johnnyshape wrote:Lightning Bolt were jesus-fucking-christ good... They then played a song which rose and spiralled upwards so menacingly you could see everyone gradually rising and rising until the tension became unbearable, then they suddenly went all hard again, and everyone jumped in the air and started hitting each other.

I heard this last night, when I went to see Lightning Bolt under the furniture shop Dalston, just round the corner from my house. All just for for £3. Yeah, this song is incredible it just kept ascending, almost impossibly, until I thought I couldn't take anymore. And then everything just went mental.

They seemed even more intense then when I saw them earlier in the year. Fortunately I got to stand at the front again. Lightning does indeed strike twice. Lots of new stuff. Indescribable. I still can't hear anything. Which makes taking calls at work today impossible.

The amount people filming was pissing me off though . It's as if they can't simply enjoy the experience without intermediary technology. But this a minor complaint. It didn't really spoil things. I just like to grumble.

Trencher were kind of crap. Napalm death circa 1988.

Shit and Shine were excellent. Three drummers. Heavy.

There were people who were queuing up two hours after the door opened unable to get in. :(

Lucky me. :D

My friend said afterwards that it was another thing he could tick off his list of 'things to do before you die'.

All Tomorrows Parties

run joe, run wrote:I keep reading/hearing that the audience were bad for Shellac. Can anyone elaborate a little? What were they doing?

basically, your typical arseholes vying for their own tiny footnote in the albini legend. Childish bollocks like "what should i get my 8 year old sister for christmas" "jennifer capriati! anna kournikova! ", and that old chestnut, "george bush". the gig was good, mind. And Lightning Bolt? most overrated band of the 21st century...

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