UK PRFers! Is the world ending today?

simmo wrote:Here in Nottingham, all we have are slow-moving yet menacing grey clouds, getting darker by the minute.... not much different to how it's been most of this summer for the moment though.

Although for how long? There's definitely a storm brewing.... (cue creepy horror tension chord.)

What's the worst storm you remember in your lifetime? For me it's got to be the mad one in September '87, the one Michael Fish told us wasn't going to happen. Although I remember a pretty bad-ass one in 1990 - I watched a tree collapse on to some quy's Mazda sports car, it seemed to happen in slow motion, it was pretty cool. Although he wasn't happy. Should have counted himself lucky that he couldn't afford a Ferrari....

was '87 when Renee from Ello Ello got brained by a tree and almost died? cos if so its that one- there was so many trees, fences and walls down where I live, and this one house had a big fuck off crack running from top to bottom for a good ten years after that.

UK PRFers! Is the world ending today?

Tommy Alpha wrote:
simmo wrote:What's the worst storm you remember in your lifetime? For me it's got to be the mad one in September '87, the one Michael Fish told us wasn't going to happen. Although I remember a pretty bad-ass one in 1990 - I watched a tree collapse on to some quy's Mazda sports car, it seemed to happen in slow motion, it was pretty cool. Although he wasn't happy. Should have counted himself lucky that he couldn't afford a Ferrari....

was '87 when Renee from Ello Ello got brained by a tree and almost died? cos if so its that one- there was so many trees, fences and walls down where I live, and this one house had a big fuck off crack running from top to bottom for a good ten years after that.

Yeah, that was the one....

I remember a big fuck-off tree fell down, severing the telephone exchange building in two, noone in the village could make a phone call for a week.

Just imagine! The chattering daily mail classes with no way of spreading gossip! Pandemonium duly ensued.
Rick Reuben wrote:
daniel robert chapman wrote:I think he's gone to bed, Rick.
He went to bed about a decade ago, or whenever he sold his soul to the bankers and the elites.


UK PRFers! Is the world ending today?

I didn't see anything of the 1987 storm. They sent is home from school, though. I could dig that.

1990, I was in Ireland for. Rained hard.

1991/2, I don't remember, was the "Typhoon" in Cork in Ireland. I was at a seaside town famous for being trashed by stormed, they build four foot concrete walls around the beach and from our B&B window we could see the ten foot waves making pussywork out of them. Some cars parked along the waterfront got utterly mullered and the street was full of debris.

The worst storm I've directly seen evidence of the one that hit france about 8 or 9 years ago, completely levelling forests and destroying homes. Glad I wasn't there, the trees are still stripped.

Autumn 2000, the Ebbw river flooded and cut off a large part of the Newport/Cardiff road. It was crazy, I'd never seen anything like it before, the river is ankle deep during the summer and usually just waste deep during the winter.

October/November 2002 I was in Aber and saw roofing being torn off in chunks by the wind, and a wooden crate scraped by our window on the second floor.

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