By the way, Michael Vick is a piece of shit.

ChristopherM wrote:
STF wrote:But I am fortunate to be a fan of the Red Sox and Patriots, two teams whose players seem to be a bunch of fucking pussies.



Sorry about the Tuck Rule Game. And the 2003 Divisional Playoffs.
Dr. Geek wrote:I once found a soggy dollar floating in a puddle on the side of the street. I carefully picked it out of the water before it sank to the bottom. It smelled funny after it dried.

By the way, Michael Vick is a piece of shit.

I think cockfighting and dogfighting are pretty deplorable. I'll eat any animal alive, but I think it deserves a full and satisfying life in a free-range before it is cleanly executed to sate my appetite.

However, I have no problems whatsoever with the human equivalent...boxing. Or the more accurate equivalent...the 'hardway'. Humans should reserve the right to kill themselves and/or each other in any way they see fit. Right?

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