This is probably a good example of why drug companies are held up to greater criticism than the alternative folks. I just saw this today - ... 820668.ece
Autism-Mitochondrial Dysfunction Link: 1 in 200 At Risk
392scarlettrose wrote:Newberry, I totally agree that alt. therapies should be held to the same standard. At the same time, I don't think they should be necessarily pulled off the market if they are found *lacking*.
Because most of these therapies have their share of loyal devotees due to their own personal experience, many of whom would probably not care what the science said. As for everyone else, it would be up to them to make up their mind based on the information made available.
If they are not found to be dangerous then I don't think there is reason to pull them off the market.
I agree; I see no reason for taking safe drugs or supplements off the market. I do feel that drug and supplement makers should not be able to make unproven claims about their products. I'm against the DSHEA act; I think supplements should be regulated; not just drugs.
eta: from a review of a book critical of both the FDA and the supplement industry:
Hurley maintains that the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 is one of the worst laws on the books. Shielding vitamins and herbal concoctions from FDA testing, it requires only that no curative claims be made for such "dietary supplements." In the prologue, Hurley shows that curative claims are made, anyway, and the users of an herbal salve were able to sue when the stuff ate their flesh. Subsequent chapters cite cases that also show that per-dosage amounts of dietary-supplement ingredients are often improperly listed; that greater than standard recommended daily amounts of most vitamins wreak havoc in the body; and that natural doesn't mean safe or effective. He notes the high proportion of convicted felons in the supplement industry, sketching the careers of several of the most egregious, including best-selling self-help health author Kevin Trudeau. He points to research that nullifies common knowledge about the effectiveness of virtually all dietary supplements; food, not pills, is the optimal and probably the only means of properly ingesting vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and so forth. He puts all such substantive information in the context of plenty of absorbing and moving stories of death, deceit, and political chicanery. Truly a good book that is good for you. Ray Olson
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved
Again, I'm well aware of drug companies having too much influence, and sometimes tainting studies. I'm saying that we need to regulate and be skeptical of Western medicine and drug companies as well as alternative therapies and the supplement industry. Not have a double standard.
Autism-Mitochondrial Dysfunction Link: 1 in 200 At Risk
393Here's an interesting page, critical of Boyd Haley and skeptical of the mercury/autism link.
And a petition against Haley from parents of an autistic child (they were not fond of his phrase, "mad child disease."
eta: From a recent NYT article:
(emphasis added)
And a petition against Haley from parents of an autistic child (they were not fond of his phrase, "mad child disease."
eta: From a recent NYT article:
A federal vaccine court in Washington is confronting the contentious and highly emotional issue of whether early childhood vaccinations might have caused autism in thousands of children. Virtually every major scientific study and organization that has weighed in on the issue has seen no link.
What confuses the issue is that infants are routinely vaccinated at the age when autism first emerges, and understandably distraught parents, searching for a cause, often latch onto vaccination as the likely culprit. But in Michelle’s case, experts testifying for the Department of Health and Human Services said that home videos and professional records showed early symptoms of autism starting well before she received the measles vaccine.
In 2004, the prestigious Institute of Medicine concluded that neither the preservative, known as thimerosal, nor the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine was associated with autism and that various hypotheses about how they could trigger autism lacked supporting evidence. Even after thimerosal was phased out of pediatric vaccines, autism rates did not fall.
(emphasis added)
Autism-Mitochondrial Dysfunction Link: 1 in 200 At Risk
394So, do you in fact approve of the continued use of flu vaccine with thimerosal, even for small children?
Not necessarily--I don't know if Thimerosal is completely safe for small children (or adults).
Also, do you think Bush's flip flop on the issue says anything regarding the influence of pharmaceutical money over government?
I think that Bush is a corrupt puppet. the pharma money was there before, and it's there now--what changed? I've mentioned many times on this forum that I'm well aware that drug companies often do bad things. It seems clear that the current Administration is a whorehouse for certain corporate interests, so I would not be surprised if Bush is selling out to drug companies.
I still disagree with the subject line of this thread, Rick/Bob.
Autism-Mitochondrial Dysfunction Link: 1 in 200 At Risk
395So you endorse continued research into the thimerosal/autism link?
I support the scientific method, where you never fully close any case--you need to realize that any finding could be proved wrong. AFAIK there has been quite a bit of research into the mercury-autism link, and none found. Autism rates continued to climb after Thimerosal was removed from vaccines. So it seems quite unlikely that there is a link, but I would gladly look at evidence that shows otherwise. Whatever the reality of this situation is, I'd like to know it--whether there's a link or not has no be bearing on my life.
Get real. It's a discussion forum. We are not bound to treat both sides evenly. We can advocate. Can I make a thread with the title, "CocoRosie is the best!"? Or do I need to phrase it as "CocoRosie may or may not be the best and I'm not allowed to have an opinion either way?"
What the fuck are you talking about? Where did I say that you should be bound to do anything, or that you can't come up with whatever subject lines you wish? I said, "I disagree with the subject line." You can make whatever claims or proclamations here you like, and I can disagree with them or call them bullshit.
You made a proclamation in the subject line. IIRC somewhere in the thread you admitted that it's not definitively true--that it's still an open question. So I say you're thread title is bullshit.
Autism-Mitochondrial Dysfunction Link: 1 in 200 At Risk
396When you have the evidence to support the mercury-autism link, please post it here.
Autism-Mitochondrial Dysfunction Link: 1 in 200 At Risk
397Rick Reuben wrote:New article on autism and environmental triggers from Monday's Boston Globe:
under suspicion"Environmental research will be a much bigger field going forward," said Dr. Thomas Insel, director of the National Institute of Mental Health. "A lot of parents have been telling us about their concerns; now we're listening very closely."
Until recently, about 90 percent of autism research has focused on genetics, and only perhaps 10 percent on environmental factors, said Dr. Gary Goldstein, chairman of the scientific board of Autism Speaks, a national research and advocacy group. In the coming years, he expects the ratio to be 1 to 1.
Dr. Martha Herbert, a Harvard neuroscientist and Massachusetts General Hospital neurologist, said a few years ago, autism researchers would be marginalized if they talked about environmental factors. But now, "any major article or proposal concerning the causes of autism is coming to be considered incomplete if it doesn't talk about a potential role of environmental factors."
It's a tough road. The pharmaceutical companies hold such influence over the journals and the research system, and they want environmental factors off the table. Now the pesticide manufacturers and bio-food companies will start trying to discredit research into those potential contributing causes of autism.
Why would the pharma companies want "environmental factors off the table"? Wouldn't that take some of the heat off of their products? I've wondered why the mercury-autism link proponents don't talk more about environmental factors. Our air and water is quite polluted, and I think earlier in this thread I linked to an article mentioning that mercury can unfortunately be found in mother's milk. There is evidence that autism rates have risen in places where thimerosal was no longer used, so perhaps pollution is playing a role.
Here's an article I just stumbled upon:
Vaccines and autism: Separating fact from fiction
Autism-Mitochondrial Dysfunction Link: 1 in 200 At Risk
398Rick/Clocker Bob:
From the article you just cited:
From the article you just cited:
For years, many parents have argued that the smoking gun was thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative used in many vaccines. But studies have failed to bear that theory out, and autism rates continue to rise even though thimerosal was removed from most childhood vaccines several years ago.
The dispute over thimerosal long tainted the whole idea of environmental triggers for autism, discouraging scientists from entering the field, some researchers and parents say.
Autism-Mitochondrial Dysfunction Link: 1 in 200 At Risk
399Rick Reuben wrote:newberry wrote:The dispute over thimerosal long tainted the whole idea of environmental triggers for autism, discouraging scientists from entering the field, some researchers and parents say.
Fixed it for you. Some researchers are still looking at thimerosal- sorry if that gives you an ulcer.
Why would it give me an ulcer? If thimerosal in vaccines is causing autism, that doesn't affect my life at all. I have absolutely zero personal stake in this. I'd like to know the truth about this issue, and look at all the evidence. If the evidence shows that thimerosal causes autism, then I'll believe it. I don't care one way or the other, other than I'd like to see the rates of autism decline. If thimerosal is not the culprit, as your article pointed out, we shouldn't waste time on it--we should instead find the actual causes and do something about those. It's important to find out what truly is going on.
Rick/Clocker Bob, looking at all the best evidence, what do you think is most likely responsible for today's autism rates? The last article that you cited points out that thimerosal is likely not the cause of autism, but instead possibly environmental contaminants. Do you agree?
Autism-Mitochondrial Dysfunction Link: 1 in 200 At Risk
400From the Trib article:
From Rick/Clocker Bob:
While at the Trib site, I saw this feature: "The mercury menace" about toxic mercury found in fish sold in food stores.
See my posts about environmental factors (such as possibly mercury in fish) a few posts up.
Is it known for sure that mercury in vaccines causes autism? What role if any do environmental factors play (pollution, etc). What exactly is the "detoxifying of heavy metals" treatment discussed in the story?
I'd like to learn more about this. As I've said repeatedly in this thread, I'll gladly look at evidence that mercury in vaccines causes autism. And if there is a real cure for autism, that's awesome news. I'll do some Googling to learn more about this, but if anyone has evidence about any of this stuff, please post it here.
Through the medical treatments aimed at detoxifying their bodies of heavy metals and regulating their immune systems, my boys are doing extremely well today.
From Rick/Clocker Bob: strange that detoxifying of metals would have any effect on autism, since mercury in vaccines can't *possibly* play any role in causing autism...
While at the Trib site, I saw this feature: "The mercury menace" about toxic mercury found in fish sold in food stores.
See my posts about environmental factors (such as possibly mercury in fish) a few posts up.
Is it known for sure that mercury in vaccines causes autism? What role if any do environmental factors play (pollution, etc). What exactly is the "detoxifying of heavy metals" treatment discussed in the story?
I'd like to learn more about this. As I've said repeatedly in this thread, I'll gladly look at evidence that mercury in vaccines causes autism. And if there is a real cure for autism, that's awesome news. I'll do some Googling to learn more about this, but if anyone has evidence about any of this stuff, please post it here.