
Total votes: 13 (14%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 82 (86%)
Total votes: 95

Band: Silkworm

I don't know what the big deal is. I've heard three or four of their records and seen them a couple of times. They're not crap, but they have like one outstanding song per album and the rest is boring. Then there was that pointless acoustic covers ep.

Band: Silkworm

I love 'Chokes!' so much. The first four songs are maybe the best they ever wrote. I'm being sustained by little gifts. First it was the Bottomless Pit songs, then the Tribute record, then 'Chokes!' and hopefully soon the Documentary. Maybe then a Bottomless Pit record!? Maybe then a record by The New Year!? See how I lie to myself!

Gah. I wonder if this is how Beatles fans felt in 1971.
run joe run wrote:Kerble your enthusiasm.

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