has anybody suggestions for miking such a bass cab with a rear mounted speaker for recordings so that problems with phase shifting etc. are avoided/minimized? maybe open the back and put the microphone in front of the speaker?
miking an acoustic 301 cabinet?
2Being the old guy that I am, I recall when these things were the shit to own and play. I also seem to recall that they sounded like ass up close, but at the back of the room, they were pretty good. ...and loud enough to hurt you.
I'd try to put it in as big a space as possible and get some space between it and the mic. Just play with it in the room. This is probably a tough cab to mic up.
For mics, I'd probably suggest some sort of kick/dynamic mic.....SM7, MD421, D12, D112, etc.....
I'd try to put it in as big a space as possible and get some space between it and the mic. Just play with it in the room. This is probably a tough cab to mic up.
For mics, I'd probably suggest some sort of kick/dynamic mic.....SM7, MD421, D12, D112, etc.....