Saving water by not flushing after a pee?

Total votes: 25 (68%)
Total votes: 12 (32%)
Total votes: 37

Toilet Mantra: If it s yellow, let it mellow....

If it's yellow, let it mellow.
If it's brown, flush it down.

(The idea being that you don't have to flush after peeing, only if it's 'a deuce') Apparently Ken Livingstone is a fan of this practise.

I try to limit my flushing, but after 30-odd years it's kind of hard wired and sometimes I forget to not flush.
arthur wrote:Don't cut it for work don't cut it to look normal, people who feel offended by your nearly-30-with-long-hair face should just fuck off.

Toilet Mantra: If it s yellow, let it mellow....

I don't flush after pissing at home, but do in public toilets. However, Dindon will have none of it. I try the environmental argument but it goes nowhere...

At my parents, my very-ecologically-concerned father barely lets anyone use the flush ever. He has a system whereby every time someone takes a bath, he collects all the bathwater in plastic buckets, then flushes the toilet by pouring the bucket of water down it.

It works but it is a pain in the arse.

My father is greener than me, yet he reads The Spectator.

How is this?
Rick Reuben wrote:
daniel robert chapman wrote:I think he's gone to bed, Rick.
He went to bed about a decade ago, or whenever he sold his soul to the bankers and the elites.


Toilet Mantra: If it s yellow, let it mellow....

What I hate most about the argument against GREEN is the cost.

America the land of money making assholes, can't even get it through their fucking head that there's money in dem dar hills.

green cars will cause a product turnover, which will benefit the auto industry. of course the morons at GM who are too busy running the company into the ground can't get out of their own way. MORONS.

same with toilets. green toilets that use less water could easily be mandated across the country causing a boon to both plumbers and bathroom fixture manufacturing. instead of giving tax cuts to fucked up multinationals, why not have a sense of patriotism and actually make your country better? traitors.

Toilet Mantra: If it s yellow, let it mellow....

simmo wrote:I don't flush after pissing at home, but do in public toilets. However, Dindon will have none of it. I try the environmental argument but it goes nowhere...

At my parents, my very-ecologically-concerned father barely lets anyone use the flush ever. He has a system whereby every time someone takes a bath, he collects all the bathwater in plastic buckets, then flushes the toilet by pouring the bucket of water down it.

It works but it is a pain in the arse.

My father is greener than me, yet he reads The Spectator.

How is this?

This is not called being "green" it is the slippery slope of dimentia. Next your Dad will be collecting his wee in buckets and using it for showering as well as flushing the loo.

Stop him from reading the Spectator - it will only exacerbate the problems!


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