Pitch me a movie

A movie about a child's development into a psychopath. Major events in the movie include: his first torturing of an animal (beating a frog with a stick), his first time (where he screws it all up right as he comes by putting his hands around the girl's throat), his strange relationship with his parents, selected excerpts from his journal that he fills with maniacal/psychosexual drivel, and his success in school which leads to his employment at a law firm (this part is subject to change, cause we don't want this to be too similar to "American Psycho"). The movie climaxes near the end with his first murder (with the audience in on everything - this part has to be extremely well planned), and then shows him having a perfectly pleasant conversation with his parents as he watches a game on TV. He then goes out on a blind date that he sets up on Craigslist. It's successful, the girl likes him, he likes her. The movie ends with him going to bed, opening his journal and writing, "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

Too uneventful? What would make this work would be a kind of "Wait Until Dark" building of tension in the audience - if it didn't have that, it would be ass-boring and no one would want to watch.
Life...life...I know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

Pitch me a movie

davesec wrote:a g-rated disney movie about pavlov during his experiments with the dog, only instead of pavlov getting the dog to salivate when ringing a bell, the dog locks pavlov in his car, sprinkles ball bearings on the floor, etc. pavlov is to be fat, mustached and red-faced at all times, the dog will have one of those 'thinking voices' and only say witty one-liners like "bark? i'll show you bark" (before pushing pavlov into a tree), etc. there will be a scene where the dog raps.

there of course will be a part in which the dog rings a bell and pavlov drools.

Pitch me a movie

Ok, Ok...let's do this quick.
I really have a lot on my plate this afternoon....so I'm gonna do it like this.
We need the following:

A talking cat picture
A Teenage sex comedy
An erotic thriller, actually 2 erotic thrillers
and also something set on the moon.

I'm gonna go to lunch, should be back in about an hour. We'll see what you guys have for me when I get back.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Pitch me a movie

Okay, this is the story of a cat named Ralph. Ralph is a fish out of water amongst his cat family in Bolivia, so he decides to move to America to go to High School. You see Ralph has the rare gift of speech. Only two other cats in the country have this gift, but they are tools for the government's evil plans. In Bolivia, they only allow 8th grade educations and anyone seeking more is shot, and Ralph desires to become educated so that he can make a living as a rock journalist. Ralph barely escapes the evil country and makes it to Woody Creek, home of the Woody Creek High Poppycocks.

Ralph has an initial awkward period settling into a school full of human beings, but it then turns out he is an amazing Quarterback. He begins to play for the Poppycocks and immediately attracts attention from the ladyfolk. Plus, his hormones are raging. The one girl that doesn't give him any attention is the head chearleader. And another girl seems to be obsessed with him. Ralph is burdened by typical teenage angst over not having the girl he wants and the pressures of leading the champion football team to victory. Plus, it seems this obsessed girl is stalking him. This goes along with hilarious hijinx at parties where drunken brawls are common. During one such melee, he is kidnapped by the obsessed girl and forced to do awful things. Awful sexual things. Plus, the Bolivians have found out that Ralph went to Woody Creek, and they're pissed. This part of the movie deals with not only the sexual perversions pushed onto Ralph, but also hilarious situations where the Bolivians have trouble adapting to American culture.

Much to everyone's concern, Ralph has been gone for over a week, and with the Championship game only a week away, the town is at its boiling point. This brings the head cheerleader into the picture. She was always drawn to Ralph, but she'd never fuck a cat, so she avoided him, but now he was in trouble. She does some investigative work and finds him at the obsessed girl's house. In a tension filled moment, she is locked away by the obsessed girl who just got home from picking some things up at the store. A three-way ensues.

The big game is coming closer and closer, and the Bolivians are closing in on Ralph's whereabouts. They eventually stumble across the house where he's being held captive and in a brutal battle, they kill the obsessed girl. They free Ralph and the cheerleader, who have fallen in love in captivity, and inform him he's coming back to Bolivia. Ralph fights them and he escapes with the cheerleader. They make it just in time for the big game. Ralph plays magnificently, and they win, but the Bolivians have shown up with flaming pitchforks. And they're pissed. A high speed chase ensues and it ends at the NASA station north of Woody Creek. Ralph realizes this world is no place for a talking cat who's in love with a high school cheerleader and being chased by angry Bolivians, so he bids her farewell and boards the rocket just about to leave, his cat eyes filled with tears. But she won't let him go alone, so she goes after him, and they leave the angry Bolivians behind on earth. The film ends with them landing on the moon to find a colony of talking cat aliens who, in a cliffhanger ending, tell Ralph that he was one of them all along, and that he has a prophesy to fulfill. CAN YOU SAY SEQUEL?

Pitch me a movie

Erotic thriller. The temp. Her boss. His wife. Their nanny. The nanny's skinhead boyfriend. The skinhead boyfriend's sister, who is the temp. Sex scene in a car wash. Sex scene in a stairwell. Skinhead and boss are both tracking and chasing the temp through a multilevel nightclub. Two cars chasing each other through a parking ramp. Nanny races down the freeway...with twin infants in the back seat...driving in the wrong direction. Boss and nanny in a law library, temp walks in and drops her coffee. Final preview shot: skinhead's face from POV of baby in crib -- skinhead says "That's a pretty pretty itty bitty bibby tibby bibby bibby". SPRING 2008.

Pitch me a movie

this is a slasher flick about a killer fake moustache, Hans Nobel (played by Patrick Swazee) was the greatest fake moustache maker the world has ever known, all the holly wood types wanted him make there fake face quills, but Hans would only make them for indy films... he was no sell out... finally Warner brothers films hires a deadbeat cop (played by Mr T) to take this renegade face-peice maker out... Hans breathes his last breath but swears revenge on all cops forever... in he places on a curse on the the fake moustache he is wearing, a curse stating the anyone one who puts on the stache has the urge to take out cops and general authority figures....of course Burt Renolds (played by Burt Renolds) is just the cop for the case...

if you want to make it a erotice thriller, you could extend the moustache's rage to only female cops/but then you might want to take MR T out (he is hott this week though) and sub in some holly-wood slut that will still work cheep... I he (killer moustache) would kill a lot of chick cops by giving them moustache rides, killer moustache rides...
Ty Webb wrote:
You need to stop pretending that this is some kind of philosophical choice not to procreate and just admit you don't wear pants to the dentist.

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