Decent Stage Piano for starters

Hey everyone...

I really think about getting a stage piano because i want to learn how to play the damn thing. Do you nice EA people have any recommendations what to get or keep my eyes open for? The Korg SP 250 looks promising.

I mainly want a decent piano sound for practising, i don´t really need strings or anything. Useful Rhodes and organ sounds would be great, if possible.
It´s such a fine line between stupid and clever.

Decent Stage Piano for starters

Well yes, i thoght about doing it that way. I want to be able to transport the thing to our practise space and just play, without having to connect anything MIDI. I´d like to keep it simple and fast.

If i´d ever want to record piano, i´d probably use the stage piano as a controller and get myself a great sounding library.
It´s such a fine line between stupid and clever.

Decent Stage Piano for starters

hey Matthias,

I'm a big fan of the Alesis QS series, as I've found the action to be really nice on the weighted ones. good enough sound banks, and they sell additional soundcards with lots of different patches, too.

Herr Biznono had a similar question in this thread, and there's quite a bit of good additional info.

I know a bit about keyboards, so if you have any other questions, please do ask. "hench" is really knowledgeable about this kind of stuff, too.


kerble is right.

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