Band: Ben Folds Five

Total votes: 21 (60%)
Total votes: 14 (40%)
Total votes: 35

Band: Ben Folds Five

i can assure you that andrew (and me for that matter) are very serious when it comes to our admiration for billy joel...i actually saw ben folds five when i was in high school and you know what, i really enjoyed it. they were technically very skilled...however, looking back and listening to the music, i dont think it is very good.


Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:
tipcat wrote:When Billy Joel is the obvious point of reference, you know you're dealing with CRAP.

I know someone who would disagree with you.

I'm never sure with Andrew, though. I'm never sure when to take him at face value.

If Andrew Mason is serious about his affection for the music of Billy Joel, then Andrew Mason blows my mind.
LingLing -

Band: Ben Folds Five

tipcat wrote:I may be wrong for all you know, but I may be right too.

5 Stars, Tipcat!

tipcat wrote:Either way you slice it, Billy Joel or Steely Dan, crap is crap. Steely Dan...good musicianship, but ultimately who the fuck cares. Billy Joel...adequate musicianship, technically "good" songcraft, but ultimately ridiculous.

Well, there's the problem: I LOVE Steely Dan.
**Do we need the other Chemical Bros. records??

Band: Ben Folds Five

The only way I would ever watch Ben Folds Five is if he (they? fucking cunts!) were forced to fight the band Fuck with spiked clubs. I would justify my participation and support of the awful, bloody violence by saying that it didn't really count because it was ironic.

I want to see Ben Folds Five and Fuck forced at gunpoint to beat each other to death with spiked clubs. I want to see them cry and bleed.

Somebody, make it happen. Make these festering cuntheads do something real, for once.

I want to see them fight.
Back off man, I'm a scientist.

Band: Ben Folds Five

the Classical wrote:bllleeechhh....crapcrapcrapcrapcrap!!!

"You are a brick/and now I am using you to beat myself to death"

I didn't sleep very well last night...woke up at 4 A.M....clicked this thread...laughed really hard at the above.

Oh yeah...and Crap.

WF: 2 for waking up with a hangover after seeing Slint at the Abbey Pub...kissing the beautiful lady...and actually enjoying a song from Whatever and Ever Amen from my other lady friend's rather unfortunate "indie" iPod that morning. I guess those ass-eaters caught me at a good time.
kerble wrote:Ernest Goes to Jail In Your Ass

Band: Ben Folds Five

zom-zom wrote:Oh god, please don't lump that whiny little fucker and his precious poop with Steely Dan.

What, because both bands have a piano? Absurd.

zom-zombie, you're the only one that mentioned the mighty 'Dan in this thread. is this a common comparison in mpls?

also, some of you cunts were slagging the 'Dan in the Wes Anderson thread. I'd like you to know that you're a bunch of fucking losers in this Ben Folds thread, and that the music you listen to is most likely the boring dude rock that pervades the record collections of most of the people here.

the only person that can get away with Steel Dan bashing i my lady, because she's really attractive, and smarter than all of us. that, and she said they sound like "dolphin rape" to her. this is a great way to describe a band.

back on topic: wrote:Horrible. Crap.

brother, that's putting it kindly.
kerble is right.

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