Pitch me a movie

A homeless transient male is seen staring slack-jawed at the abstract picasso baboon sculpture in front of chicago's daly building. From the echoey demented voice on the soundtrack we come to understand that the sculpture is speaking directly into transient's brain, instructing him to follow a particular set of instructions. The abstract baboon has mentally directed the transient to read that day's publication of the newspaper comic "They'll Do It Every Time" by Hatlo and Scaduto, and then kill somebody at random in such a way that it somehow refers to the frustrating irony of everyday life that happens to be featured in that day's strip. While he commits his murders cgi effects will produce the illusion that little daggers are coming out of his eyes. After killing, he has sex with the corpses, but being narcoleptic he falls asleep on top of them. The melting echoey voice of the baboon sculpture usually manages to make him sleepwalk away from the crime scene. While in this state he performs somersaults and walks on his hands too.

Pitch me a movie

Marsupialized wrote:Ok, Ok...let's do this quick.
I really have a lot on my plate this afternoon....so I'm gonna do it like this.
We need the following:

A talking cat picture
A Teenage sex comedy
An erotic thriller, actually 2 erotic thrillers
and also something set on the moon.

I'm gonna go to lunch, should be back in about an hour. We'll see what you guys have for me when I get back.

A remake of this?
Ride Bikes, Drink Beer, Go Fuck Yourself

Pitch me a movie

Okay so you heard of that book called the Minotaur takes a Cigarette break

Well, we mold the Ideas from that book with DOOMSHOVEL!:

Seems a young prisoner on Community Service comes across the plans for the DoomShovel and steals the plans and then aquires a Hamilton Beach triple milkshake making machine and uses the engine to make the DOOMSHOVEL!

So then the Doomshovel is built and the guy, give him a name I was partial to the name Bob, has it run on the sound of its own production so the 8 spaded, rotary equipped, shovel starts digging and starts digging and unearthing things and then it digs a labryinth and we throw the Minotaur in there and he'l cook a burger for ya--anyway you like it

Sounds repeatitive but maybe your guys will like it.
Ty Webb wrote:I hope the little-known 8th dwarf, Chinky, is on that list.

Pitch me a movie

Marsupialized wrote:Alright, pitch me a movie.
Walk into my office sit down and pitch me your idea for a film.

Very simply, this movie is an adaptation of the LP Joe's Garage by Frank Zappa, treated in a similar manner as a Robert Rodriguez adaptation. Consider that there's been a rush to adapt Graphic Novels to films, and consider that many of the most recent successes in adaptations are very literal and not stylized (examples being 300 and Sin City). I propose that the LP Joe's Garage be adapted literally for film. It's time to look to other sources for adaptations. It offers an opportunity for any number of bands to perform covers of the LP as well as other Zappa songs. I'd suggest that there be no tweaking with the era of the material.

First LP only - though if the film does well there's two more movies to follow.

Pitch me a movie

Marsupialized wrote:Ok, Ok...let's do this quick.
I really have a lot on my plate this afternoon....so I'm gonna do it like this.
We need the following:

A talking cat picture
A Teenage sex comedy
An erotic thriller, actually 2 erotic thrillers
and also something set on the moon.

I'm gonna go to lunch, should be back in about an hour. We'll see what you guys have for me when I get back.

I don't know about the talking cat picture, but as far as the other three scenarios, I was thinking how "prequels" and whatnot are hot, so in that vein I present:


Mandingo's teenage backstory. For the above the title star to put asses in the seats, get that kid from "Everybody Hates Chris." I don't know, maybe you could throw a talking cat in there, to be his Yoda or Mickey.

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