Band: Ben Folds Five

Total votes: 21 (60%)
Total votes: 14 (40%)
Total votes: 35

Band: Ben Folds Five

kerble wrote:
zom-zom wrote:Oh god, please don't lump that whiny little fucker and his precious poop with Steely Dan.

What, because both bands have a piano? Absurd.

zom-zombie, you're the only one that mentioned the mighty 'Dan in this thread. is this a common comparison in mpls?

also, some of you cunts were slagging the 'Dan in the Wes Anderson thread. I'd like you to know that you're a bunch of fucking losers in this Ben Folds thread, and that the music you listen to is most likely the boring dude rock that pervades the record collections of most of the people here.

the only person that can get away with Steel Dan bashing i my lady, because she's really attractive, and smarter than all of us. that, and she said they sound like "dolphin rape" to her. this is a great way to describe a band.

back on topic: wrote:Horrible. Crap.

brother, that's putting it kindly.

I also have a soft spot for Steely Dan. It's weird music. All I've ever had is their greatest hits. Is there a legitimate album you're fond of that you could PM me sometime, kerble?

I'm sorry, I'm just not spending what little income I have on a Steely Dan album. Fact. of. Life.
kerble wrote:Ernest Goes to Jail In Your Ass

Band: Ben Folds Five

CRAP :WF: 1 Because I will admit that I like the first three songs on their self-titled first album. But that's all I would ever need or want from them, just those three tolerable songs.

"I met a girl she looked like Axl Rose/Got drunk and took her home and we took off our clothes."

That's kinda funny.
Dr. Geek wrote:I once found a soggy dollar floating in a puddle on the side of the street. I carefully picked it out of the water before it sank to the bottom. It smelled funny after it dried.

Band: Ben Folds Five

My brother is a huge Ben Folds fan. I can see some goodness in his music, and owned Whatever and Ever, Amen, but I can't really say I'm a huge fan. Mostly meh, but when pressed I'd say CRAP but with a moderate :WF: 6
"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter."
-Winston Churchill

Band: Ben Folds Five

i liked/like some of their songs and owned self-titled, whatever and ever, and the unauthorized biography of reinhold... there are at least 3 songs off each album i can get into. the overtly silly songs i really, really have to be in the mood for (or at least in a state where i'm not really paying much attention to what i'm listening to)... but otherwise i think it's pretty much harmless pop i don't totally dislike. all the solo stuff i will safely call crap, though.

not crap, waffle 9. or crap, waffle 9.

Band: Ben Folds Five

skatingbasser wrote:Hell, I'll stand up and say I like this band. Whatever and Ever Amen for the most part is a good listen every now and then. I remember the autobiography being decent too.

What I've heard of Ben Fold solo has sucked.

Not Crap. As many waffles as you wish.

This post sums up my thoughts.

But it does not cover one thought that I have in regards to this thread. Steely Dan sucks big balls.

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