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The Code is Almighty wrote:Strontium Dog, innit?

Thats the fella!

Colonel Panic wrote:Tommy, do you like Osamu Tezuka's stuff?

I don't know him (her?). What have they done? My knowledge of Manga and Anime is woeful at best.

Have you seen the Gen movie? There's a DVD set floating about with both films on one disk. its quite possibly the saddest film I've ever seen, and I haven't been able to watch the second one yet as a result.

comics you like

I've never seen Barefoot Gen the movie, but the manga is certainly heart-rending.

Ever see Grave of the Fireflies? It's a story about 2 kids in Tokyo during WWII, whose parents are killed in a bombing raid. They are a boy of about 12 years old and his sister of about 5 or so. The boy is very brave and strives to maintain his pride and dignity while supporting them both as the charity of their family and neighbors runs out and their living situation steadily deteriorates. It's basically an allegory about the devastation of war on the personal lives of civilians and the resulting breakdown of basic human civility. I watched it on VHS years ago with a girlfriend and her mother, and about halfway through, her mom started bawling uncontrollably and had to leave the room. Kinda awkward... But yeah if you like Barefoot Gen, then GotF would be right up your alley.

Dr. Osamu Tezuka was the father of Japanese manga and anime. He's the creator of Astro Boy and many other famous titles. You know that distinctive Japanese anime "huge eyes" look? That was his creation.

Back in the '50s, when Tezuka was starting out, he loved American cartoons, especially the work of Disney, whom he often cited as his #1 influence. Disney, the world's greatest champion of intellectual property law, repaid Tezuka's kind words and admiration by shamelessly ripping off one of his stories, Kimba the White Lion, a mere 5 years after his death. The Lion King was almost a point-for-point duplicate of Kimba, and the Disney people never gave him so much as a posthumous mention in the credits. That company has no class whatsoever.

But Tezuka is ace. He did a great manga about the life of the Buddha. Probably my favorite story of his is Adolf, a WWII story about a young half-Japanese, half German man (named by his Nazi father after Der Fuhrer) who travels to Germany and learns some hard lessons about intolerance and racism while moving through the ranks of the Nazi Party.

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burun, you clean like I do.

burun wrote:I'm cleaning up the coffee table

<find sumfin' neat>

<google down the rabbit hole>



[one hour later...]

burun wrote:SOLD.

those prints are great! and so cheap!
i'm saving closer examination until something pressing comes up at work.
H-GM wrote:Still don't make you mexican, Dances With Burros.

comics you like

The Code is Almighty wrote:Strontium Dog, innit?

Yo, have you seen the new(ish) collected editions of Strontium Dog, Judge Dredd, Nemesis and all your other 2000AD favourites? They're in chronological order, and look fantastic. I'm saving up for them, starting with the SD ones. I really want to re-read 'The Final Solution' story-line.
Also I went back to my parents' house this weekend and grabbed a load of my old comics - Looking forward to revisiting 'Powers' and 'Y - The Last Man'.
I also finally borrowed book II of Maus, and I'll be reading that first off.
arthur wrote:Don't cut it for work don't cut it to look normal, people who feel offended by your nearly-30-with-long-hair face should just fuck off.

comics you like

This is one of my favourite comic series. He's blind, his girlfriend's a coke head, his other girlfriend's a ninja, his enemies are eveywhere, his ninja girlfriend has big thighs and there's a great big bloke just waiting to kick the shit out of you all the time... just like real life.

He get's pissed off that, in the film, his enemy Bullseye can't even be bothered to put his proper suit on.

The comic series = great The film = a bit more work needed.
dude, where's my life?

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