The Big Lebowski

Total votes: 8 (12%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 58 (88%)
Total votes: 66

Film: The Big Lebowski

unarmedman wrote:So I just saw this recently for the first time after so many "oh you'll love it"s and I've gotta say, I wasn't that impressed.

Some funny moments, but why are people so nuts about this film?

my guess is that a lot of people think its really funny.

just a hunch, though...
Uncle Ovipositor wrote:In Tokyo, the Japanese can pee in the streets...

Film: The Big Lebowski

unarmedman wrote:My hunch is that its way overrated. But most Coen bros. films are.

Perhaps, but that's no fault of the films themselves, just the way overhyping detracting from the 'credibility' of otherwise fine bands is not necessarily a band's fault.

Anyway, I would contest the statement that *most* Coen Bros. films are overrated. A few of them are, and it really shows, but most of them... not so much:

The Man Who Wasn't There: not overrated
Raising Arizona: not overrated
Barton Fink: not overrated
Intolerable Cruelty and Hudsucker Proxy: not overrated because they were clearly bad films

Big Lebowski: more of a mega-cult film than an overrated one. It was initially panned by critics.

Fargo: overrated. A very good film, but the hype weighed heavily upon it.
O Brother Were Art Thou: overrated

Bonus: Gates of Eden, Ethan Coen's collection of short stories: underrated.
Last edited by Mazec_Archive on Sun Jul 29, 2007 7:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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