Advice: Bringing guitar eqpt back from the US

fantasmatical thorr wrote:When I took my bass with me, I was worried that they'd ask what I was doing and was I going to make any money out of it but they didn't. They put it in the closet in the plane and treated it and me well. Ditto at customs.

This is my main concern about bringing my guitar to the UK! I don't want to check it, I want it on the plane with me, but do not want to buy it a seat.
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

Advice: Bringing guitar eqpt back from the US

burun wrote:
fantasmatical thorr wrote:When I took my bass with me, I was worried that they'd ask what I was doing and was I going to make any money out of it but they didn't. They put it in the closet in the plane and treated it and me well. Ditto at customs.

This is my main concern about bringing my guitar to the UK! I don't want to check it, I want it on the plane with me, but do not want to buy it a seat.

If you're worried about bringing your guitar over, i'm sure we could find a guitar for you to use.

unless you're left handed or something 'silly' like that.
Disappointing the masses since 2006

Advice: Bringing guitar eqpt back from the US

I bought a fuzzbox in Vietnam last year which does actually look like a homemade explosive device: a plain, grey, folded metal box with three knobs, a flashing light that kicks in when you turn on one of the knobs, no text indicating anything, etc. I considered mailing it home with some other little stuff, since I was away for a while, but the woman at the post office in Vietnam thought it would raise a red flag somewhere along the way, and wouldn't let me send it. I ended up putting it in my bag in checked luggage, and passed through customs in Australia and NZ without a problem--though the folks in NZ did confiscate my beef jerky.

I also listed the box on my customs declaration form coming home to the US, which drew no attention either.


Advice: Bringing guitar eqpt back from the US

Eating Noddemix wrote:
There's something about blocky metal objects, small circuit boards, and 9-volt batteries that says 'bomb' on x-ray.

Yeah. Just be glad you're not carrying around a Big Muff pedal in one of those wooden boxes with the cryptic Russian on it.

I got a pretty strange reaction to my old tape delay when it went through the xray. it looked so fricken cool though, like an old school bomb.

also, don't they have like explosive detectors at airports now? whenever I am carrying my tapedelay around at an airport they pull me aside and do and explosive test on me.

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