
Are they the right band for me? Yes, Not Crap.
Total votes: 21 (81%)
Or are they toxic for me? Yes, Crap.
Total votes: 5 (19%)
Total votes: 26

Band: Cocteau Twins

Redline wrote:I hate the drum machine, but the voice is awesome.

I remember playing "Carolyn's Fingers" overandoverandoverandoverandoveragain.

I haven't played any of their records in ages, but they always make it through the purges.

I could do without some of the lyrics, but most of the time I pretend she's singing in Kobaiian and it's OK.
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

Band: Cocteau Twins

burun wrote:I remember playing "Carolyn's Fingers" overandoverandoverandoverandoveragain.

Me too, actually. And I was using a fairly spent needle at the time, so now my copy of this LP has a disproportionate degree of wear three tracks in. (It's practically useless.)

All in all I'm not that huge of a Cocteau Twins fan but I'll occasionally put on one of their records or CDs for some nice ambience. And then of course there are those songs of theirs, usually at least three to an album, that demand to played again and again, evoking a womb-like timeless state, heavily steeped in chorus and reverb.


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