
I've lurked a little in the past but have now registered in the hope of some free advice.
I'm in the UK and lent my MXR Limiter to a, now ex, friend. It ran from the mains with a US plug. Instead of using a AC-AC Convertor (input 230V, output 110V) this chump used a simple adaptor and as a result the pedal is now dead. Is this a simple repair job or is it fucked forever? I've looked inside and can't see any obvious damage.
Thanks in advance.


Plastic Hassle wrote:Hi,
I've lurked a little in the past but have now registered in the hope of some free advice.
I'm in the UK and lent my MXR Limiter to a, now ex, friend. It ran from the mains with a US plug. Instead of using a AC-AC Convertor (input 230V, output 110V) this chump used a simple adaptor and as a result the pedal is now dead. Is this a simple repair job or is it fucked forever? I've looked inside and can't see any obvious damage.
Thanks in advance.

was there a fuse installed inside?

I would say your transformer is probably a goner, possibly the diodes for the rectification.


Find a schematic first. Off the top of my head, check all fuses, if no luck then replace the diodes / diode-bridges and voltage regulators in the power supply section.

Hopefully the transformer won't be fried if it was spec'ed well enough.


If you take it to a repair shop, they should be able to fit it with a 220 transformer so this doesn't happen again. Expect it to cost about $30+time.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

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