
Total votes: 11 (21%)
Total votes: 24 (46%)
Ok in very small doses
Total votes: 17 (33%)
Total votes: 52

music: reggae

Edward wrote:Speaking of Blood and Fire, The Rough Guide to Reggae was written by Steve Barrow, the label's owner, and is pretty essential for anyone interested in the music. I'm not a fan of music guides typically, but I've found this one to be worth the investment.

This book has been extremely helpful to me.
matthew wrote:His Life and his Death gives us LIFE.......supernatural life- which is His own life because he is God and Man. This is all straight nuttiness or mystical crap here.

music: reggae

i have that scientist pac man record and it is fucking boring.. there's just no way around it. curse of the vampires is the best scientist record i've heard.

super ape by lee perry is really good

there are some other augustus pablo records that i really like

music: reggae

lee perry/upsetters, congos, early wailers, augustus pablo, some niney the observer, early burning spear... all good to my ears. i'd agree with tim, there isn't much new stuff out there that's good... though pole is cool w/ it's dub influences... the rhythm & sound stuff is interesting too... but that's not really reggae.

isn't there some joke in 'ghost world' about reggae bands?

also, isn't there also some faux radio interview where a guy maintains that 'madness invented ska' and all these angry callers start ringing -- getting all bent out of shape... hilarious -- wish i could remember the name of the cd i heard this from.

music: reggae

"You guys up for some reggae tonight?"

Or something like that. It was the tools in the restaurant that were making their evening plans. The lady from Lost in Translation thought they were hot and it made the lady from Dungeons and Dragons mad inside.

Then Mr. Pink went to see Blueshammer. That was pretty hilarious.

music: reggae

John W. wrote:also, isn't there also some faux radio interview where a guy maintains that 'madness invented ska' and all these angry callers start ringing -- getting all bent out of shape... hilarious -- wish i could remember the name of the cd i heard this from.

That is Rock, Rot, and Rule by Scharpling and Wurster. It is great.
matthew wrote:His Life and his Death gives us LIFE.......supernatural life- which is His own life because he is God and Man. This is all straight nuttiness or mystical crap here.

music: reggae

I'm no big fan of reggae, dub or otherwise, but I was listening to some Jimmy Cliff earlier today and thought it was very good. Also, there is no doubt in my mind that Bob Marley is one of the great popular artists, on pretty much any level that I can think of.

I like a lot of the vintage reggae that has already been mentioned in this thread, but it just isn't on my mind a lot.

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