Mspainting albums covers through memory
922SecondEdition wrote:I know it's by Neubaten, but I don't know which album...?
burun beat me to it
Horrible isn't it?
I share, therefore you are
Mspainting albums covers through memory
926King Crimson RED.
Stephen Sowley
Capt. James T. Lunatic wrote:I Didn't Fight A Secret War In Nicaragua So You Could Walk These Streets Of Freedom Badmouthing Lady America, In Your Damn Mirrored Sunglasses
Mspainting albums covers through memory
927Colonel Panic wrote:
To be fair, I didn't use MSpaint but Paint.NET which is slightly better (has a few p-shop-like features, but is still very very limited), and I didn't do it entirely from memory, I was looking at the cover.
You can glance at a cover if you have to, but really, you shouldn't do so for more than 30 seconds.
It's better if you do it entirely from memory.
Also, Paint.Net is light years ahead of MsPaint. Seriously. I mean, I could download it and do it that way, but it takes all of the challenge out of it.
There are a number of other people on this forum, besides yourself, who are in the arts/graphic design fields who could whip out a Wacom and boot up CS3 and do exact replicas, but what would be the point?
The fun of it is trying to do it from memory in a crap program and then see if anyone gets it. Not making (very lovely) exacting replicas of album covers that everyone already knows and just making them recite the titles and remark about how lovely yr "skillz of an artist" are.
Anyway, try limiting yourself to MsPaint and a mouse and your Memory (the three M's) for your next one... and remember it doesn't have to be great, and you don't have to spend a lot of time on it.
Mspainting albums covers through memory
928Man, chill out with the "tips". You sound like a divorced high school art teacher.
Marsupialized wrote:I want a piano made out of jello.
It's the only way I'll be able to achieve the sound I hear in my head.
Mspainting albums covers through memory
929Skronk wrote:Man, chill out with the "tips". You sound like a divorced high school art teacher.
...I am a divorced high school art teacher.
Actually, it did feel a little bit preachy, but really, sometimes you have to hit Colonel Panic over the head with a mallet.
...preferably a large one.