bigc wrote:I think that assigning a group goal to a movement that is made up of so many different groups and motivations is a mistake similar to sayign that killing animals for mink coats is fine because PETA is a bunch of psychos.
I don't like mink coats. They're gaudy, but if someone wants to wear one I can't stop them. It's outside of my scope of legal activity. I'm against anyone who claims any animal besides a human has rights. They don't know what rights are. Rights only apply to an animal that uses reason,
not instinct, as a means of survival.
bigc wrote:Much of the environmental movement exists simply to preserve the environment, which we all happen to share. Dismantling property rights is a red herring...there's no individual property rights to air, animal sepcies and water.
These statements demonstrate a lack of understanding of the concept of property rights.
bigc wrote:Furthermore, why defend the industrial revolution? You want more child labor, carcinogens in the air, black lung, unregulated labor abuses?
Because we're still living in the thick of it. Labor abuses? Lay your examples out and I'll destroy them. Please clarify your points on allowing corporations to act as individuals. Again, it's too easy to label me as right-wing when I'm really not. Attack me with ideas, not labels.