Cate Blanchett has stopped washing her hair

Rick Reuben wrote:"Socialism from below" is the essence of Marxism. Marx argued for the working class to emancipate itself, and then for the workers to overthrow the state and take control of the means of production.

You might think it is the "essence" of his work, but show me where he said it. Seems like a paltry mistranslation of "dictatorship of the proletariat", something entirely

That's the last time I'll correct your babbling inconsistencies today, you dope. You should troll jlamour some more- maybe you two can make little troll babies.

Babbling inconsistencies. Nice coming from you, Johnny-Two-Books.

Cate Blanchett has stopped washing her hair

jlamour wrote:Steve, the mountain was a metaphor for the exploitation of all natural resources. Peace out, everyone.

jlamour, the mountain was a metaphor for the unchecked, irresponsible exploitation of all natural resources. Rational, managed exploitation is, of course, fine. Wholesale destruction is not. Resources need to be managed rather than devoured, because this generation is not the only one which will need them, and the secondary effects of the exploitation affect all resources, future generations and, yes, property rights.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

Cate Blanchett has stopped washing her hair

Rick Reuben wrote:
"The emancipation of the working classes must be conquered by the working classes themselves.”

But he isn't using the phrase "socialism from below" there, is he? Or am I blind?

What is "his essense" supposed to mean anyway, precious bodily fluids?

big dave wrote:I assumed that all conspiracy theories came about during the communist witch-hunt years, anti-left and anti-intellectual in their make up. What could be more retarded than the basic fear that people you loath might dare to organise themselves.

I was right then, I'm approximately 300 times righter about this.

Cate Blanchett has stopped washing her hair

Rick Reuben wrote:
big dave wrote:I assumed that all conspiracy theories came about during the communist witch-hunt years, anti-left and anti-intellectual in their make up. What could be more retarded than the basic fear that people you loath might dare to organise themselves.

big dave wrote:I was right then, I'm approximately 300 times righter about this.

Uh huh.

JFK assassination. 1963. Produced a thousand conspiracy theories. Happened after the 'communist witch hunt years'. Therefore, you are wrong, a liar, and a troll.

The whole notion of a "conspiracy theory" occured then. That is where you get your attitude, your language and your paranoid anti-intellectual ahistorical demeanor.

It didn't exist before, and it exists now afterwards.

I'm so right about this. You could run a motorcar off how right am I.

Cate Blanchett has stopped washing her hair

Rick Reuben wrote:
big_dave wrote:I assumed that all conspiracy theories came about during the communist witch-hunt years

big_dave wrote:The whole notion of a "conspiracy theory" occured then.

Can't you read your own words, dopey? You said the actual theories all originated during the 1950's. Now, in your pathetic attempt to lie your way out of your idiotic statement again, you have told a bigger lie. The 'notion' of a conspiracy theory began in the 1950's?? Really, you idiot? Did the Nazis teleport to the 1950's to bring back the conspiracy theories they spread about the Jews? Did Henry Ford?

Idiot. Lying troll bozo.

Language hates you Clocker Bob, it is hanging outside your apartment with a crowbar waiting to give you what for.

Conspiracy theory didn't enter the popular consciousness until the red scare. Fact. There were things before that were like that, sure. There were similiar things, but as is ALL CONSPIRACY THEORIES have shared roots in the anti-soviet paranoia of the 40s/50s and the international revolution fears of the First World War years. Repeating this doesn't make me more or less correct, because I have maintained an impressive 100% correctness record on this particular point of your semen stained Hobbyhorse.

Like, duh, Clocker Bob. Steer the thread to your beloved home turf, so I can safely shut the fuck up and leave you to it.

Cate Blanchett has stopped washing her hair

Rick Reuben wrote:
big_dave wrote:Conspiracy theory didn't enter the popular consciousness until the red scare. Fact. There were things before that were like that, sure. There were similiar things, but as is ALL CONSPIRACY THEORIES have shared roots in the anti-soviet paranoia of the 40s/50s and the international revolution fears of the First World War years.

Why do you continue? Just say that your original preserved forever statement was erroneous and be done with this. Only an idiot troll would argue that his own words were not what he said. We can read them, dummy. You wrote it. Now live with it.
big dave wrote:I assumed that all conspiracy theories came about during the communist witch-hunt years.

I can live with being 100% correct. I am correct about what I wrote, and what I what was correct. Thanks Bob.

Cate Blanchett has stopped washing her hair

I give Cate Blanchett two thumbs up.

Every little bit that we can do to publicize our protest of environmental degradation helps. We are really living on the cusp of a catastrophe of such grand proportions that, as is clear, most would prefer to pretend that our problems don't even exist. And that is possible precisely because the little details of our day-to-day lives--such as washing our hair and throwing out our garbage and filling up our gas tanks--while contributing to environmental collapse, are seen by everyone as so normal and so relatively harmless.

But they're not. Little actions have huge ramifications. I have respect for anyone who actually inconveniences themselves for an honestly-acquired and principled viewpoint.

I know that I don't do my part, and it makes me feel weird. And that's precisely what actions such as Cate's are intended to produce in me. All this right-wing nonsense about "Hollywood crazies" and "enviro-Nazis" is complete hot air that intends to do the opposite by comforting our feelings of security and our consumer consciences.

Oh, and Cate Blanchett is also totally gorgeous. Seeing her read Proust aloud in LIFE AQUATIC gave me what Lester Bangs called "an erection of the heart".
Last edited by NerblyBear_Archive on Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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