Guns 'n' Roses

Total votes: 81 (70%)
Total votes: 34 (30%)
Total votes: 115

Band: Guns n Roses

I think I'll stand beside Chad, with the balls to say, "I NEVER rocked out to that crap".
The only thing I'd say that was remotely redeemable fromthis band, Is that it was freaking hilarious how angry they got at Nirvana for being a million times better than them and selling more records than them.
TOTAL and udder crap. Udder,as in, I'm relating them to the big sack which you pull on to get milk out of a cow.

Band: Guns n Roses

hey, maybe i'm wrong. i never hung with indie rock people in the late 80's, as i didn't know such a people even existed. but everyone i did know failed to resist the urge to air guitar to sweet child o mine no matter how much they wanted to. like the sneezing reflex. and isn't sneezing fun? or shitting, sure the end-product maybe isn't something to put on your wall, but is wasn't unpleasant doing it. you know, i can't imagine what it would have been like to never like chessy stupid fucking music. i mean, to skip that entire phase of life completely - what kind of a twisted, mean son of a bitch would that make you? hmmm, if only such people were to be found on these boards.

Band: Guns n Roses


i myself grew up in a dinky farming village in the middle of nowhere. i had and still have friends that enjoy the hell out of guns and roses. just never liked them. i had, and still have a gutteral softspot for the first, self-titled record by black n blue. this softspot has been in existence for damn near two decades, and i still can't explain it nor do i feel the need to. in fact, i recently became really excited when i came across a cd of them playing at harpo's in detroit in support of that record. it's got a big, lame assed drum solo and everything, and i love it. have fun enjoying guns n roses. no shit.


Band: Guns n Roses

Opinions on Guns n Roses show a generational split:
If you're an old fart like me, GnR was just the latest in a line of lousy hard rock bands (preceded by Motley Crue)that all the burnouts (who said how much punk rocked "sucked") liked. The only positive aspect of GnR was the fact that they actually covered Dead Boys songs which flew over the heads of most of their fans.

Younger folks might remember GnR as the first ROCK bands they liked. Some find the present state of Axl and their last tour funny in a trainwreck way(me, I think it's pathetic)

Band: Guns n Roses

WF: ??%infinite%$$$$$$$
Sweet Child O' Mine has one of the best of the cheesy 80s metal intros. The fact that Axl would run around on stage like a moron is awesomely tacky. The notion that at some point before he dies, there might be a new record is hilarious. I guess what I'm saying is that they deserve a NOT CRAP for being entertaining in a very bad way more so than for ever being a worthwhile band.
Better yet, eat the placenta!!!

Band: Guns n Roses

I mildly dislike GNR like I mildly dislike getting red hot needles shoved under my fingernails.

crap I hate with a passion.
the song people should associate with Axl should be "Prayer to God"
"I think that most music is dangerous because it tends to systematize thought -- you think in patterns -- you "know" what's coming before you even hear it." Boyd Rice

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