Really Good Beers

sack of smashed assholes wrote:
Rog wrote:I'd recomend any of the beers New Glarus Brewing Company makes.

what this man said.

spotted cow


So good. Unfortunately, they can't/won't produce enough for us FIBS. Also, Two Brothers Brewery's "Domaine Dupage" French Style Country Ale is fantastic and if it hasn't been mentioned before anything by Great Lakes Brewing Company- I really dig their Commodore Perry IPA.

Really Good Beers

I've been drinking the IPA from Odell Brewery in beautiful Fort Collins, CO like it's my job. I gotta get a job drinking this stuff. It's a really hoppy IPA, probably because this is Colorado and we like our beers hoppy. As a matter of fact, I found some wild hops while hiking the other day. Anyway, this is really hoppy and has that grapefruit smell, so it's the kind of IPA at which trad bier dorks turn up their noses. Unfortunately, it's only avaible in the state CO and the inferior states that surround it.

I had that Brother Thelonius recently and it kicked my ass. So good.

Really Good Beers

Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:Tree, can you smuggle me some of the Boulder Beer Company stuff?
I've had the Hazed & Infused, Sweaty Betty and the Mojo.

Hey, speaking of hoppy as hell beers...

There is this rumor that Hazed & Infused has weed in it. It's sort of a joke, but apparently when the guy finishes a batch, he kicks everybody out and is totally vehement about it.

I'll be in Chicago for a week next summer, hopefully. I am taking requests.

I think at this point, Breckenridge Brewery is the only CO brewery I've tried that is cranking out total shit. Be proud, Centennials!

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