Slint reunion in Chicago


How were they?

I remember going home after the shows feeling blown away. Stupidly I have no clear memories, since I was busy trying to make sure the tape recorder in my coat was running smooth. I think that was when I stopped taping actually. If you are at a show, you should just watch the show. The stuff they played was different from the records in interesting ways. I wish I remembered it as an experience better.

I hate over crowded shows. My wife likes Slint, and I am hoping for a nice night out.

Slint reunion in Chicago

tbone wrote:2 tix for the metro show cost me $20 each, and by the time they added on all the surcharges, it was $60. 50% surcharge. fucking ticketmaster.

It's unbelievable. It's unbelievable to me that I am paying $31 dollars to see Slint, and $11 of that money is going to Ticketmaster. It makes me so mad that I start to get crazy in the brain.

Hey, how do ticket fees work in other countries? I'd like to know.

Slint reunion in Chicago

Hey, how do ticket fees work in other countries? I'd like to know

They are depressingly similar, if not worse.

Slint are playing at The Forum in London in March. The ticket's face value is £16 (around $30). Added to this is a 'service charge' of £3.50 and a 'processing fee' of £2.

In short, it would cost me over $41 to see them buying tickets through Ticketmaster.

Slint reunion in Chicago

gheorge77 wrote:Just out of curiosity, how much were the tix on ticketmaster? they just announced boston and ny shows so im wondering where and how many shows i might want to see. thanx.

AGHH! Where in Boston? I don't see it on TicketRaper...

Edit: found it on Pitchfork...hmmm, I'm presuming the Roxy show will be on TicketFucker as well.

Slint reunion in Chicago

I, for one, was entirely happy to pay $27 a ticket to see Slint. So were all of my friends who shat themselves twice when the post-ATP shows were announced.

I can't remember the last time that I used Ticketmaster to purchase tickets for anything before this - I used the phone and didn't have to wait in line to buy them, or be faced with not being able to get in. For this show, that was worth my $7.

Honestly, either you want to see the show, or you don't. There should be nothing upsetting about this opportunity.

Additionally, if they have any merch, I will happily buy to directly support the band.

Slint reunion in Chicago

I do not think anyone is really complaining about the $20 going to the band. It is a little hard to swallow such a large fee for an automated system of ordering the ticket, especially when that fee is charged for each ticket. You paid $7. I paid $14 for something required no additional effort to deliever than yours did. They saved money that they would have had to spend on an agent if I did wait in line.

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