Aparment Smells Like Smoke: Any Suggestions?

I guess you didn't notice the smell prior to moving in. Perhaps there was a fire underneath? or even in the place?

I mean like a small kitchen fire.

It's probably not good for you to be breathing that crap 24/7 and there's probably some laws that you could threaten the landlord with. Withholding rent will usually get their attention quickly. However, don't spend it!

New carpeting will probably be the least the landlord should do. obviously, if they are like any other landlord, they will be cheapskates and are trying the approach of seeing if you minded at first. let them know it isn't working and demand a new carpet.

Aparment Smells Like Smoke: Any Suggestions?

I've never heard of "deoderizing paint" - pretty sure they made that one up.

I agree with Mr. Arrison that it's most likely the carpet. I would go over it a couple of times with one of those steam cleaners you can rent - they might have some additives that can help remove odors, etc. You might try washing down the walls, but I think the carpet is probably the biggest culprit.

Good luck.

Aparment Smells Like Smoke: Any Suggestions?

Marsupialized wrote:start your own, more powerful fire to overpower the smell of the original fire, I would suggest burning a truck tire filled with human hair in the bathtub.

I think you should have your own "How To" thread, people ask different home improvement questions, and you unleash these gems on them.
Marsupialized wrote:I want a piano made out of jello.
It's the only way I'll be able to achieve the sound I hear in my head.

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