Your favorite hot sauce....

sparky wrote:
dontfeartheringo wrote:Marie Sharps habañero is my favorite sauce of all time:


The different Marie Sharp sauces are wickedly hot, flavoursome and thick. I wasn't aware that they were available outside Belize, where we brought some back from. Every restaurant table there seems to be equipped with Marie Sharp, and every waiter there seems to delight in saying that "she's the hottest lady in Belize." The use of carrot for taste and thickening is inspired.

Belize is where I discovered it, but I found I could also buy it in Chicago at the Rogers Park Fruit Market when I lived there. And now I can order it online!

I love that stuff.
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

Your favorite hot sauce....

Also another hotsauce that I liked was one that a freind brought back from Trinedad or Aruba. The brand was Three S's, and had a mustard base that I beleive was diluted slightly with distilled vinegar with lots of little flecks of habanero peppers held in suspension. It was great stuff for potato salad. --It came in a pint sized liquor bottle not unlike 100% Pain.
"Fuck compose, Fuck melody, Dedicated to no one, Thanks to no one, ART IS OVER".
-Juntaro Yamanouchi

Your favorite hot sauce....

My hillbilly friend Trey's uncle makes this sauce that is so hot, you need to put butter on your lips when eating it on wings. Otherwise, your lips will burn well into the night. For serious.

I was at this restaurant Flaming Amy's once where I literally choked and threw up my dinner after putting a certain hot sauce on my burrito. I stole it, finished it off over the course of a month and half. I think the empty bottle is still on my mom's lazy susan thing.

Your favorite hot sauce....

geiginni wrote:SriRacha for asian, of course!

Geiginni! Why you are so limiting with the Sriracha!

Seriously, I put the stuff on burgers. When I am slumming it with a can of Spaghetti-O's, I put it into that as well. There is nothing that Sriracha cannot improve, including breakfast cereal and ice cream. It's that good.
Rick Reuben wrote:You are dumber than week-old donuts.

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