spare some change?

sorry, man
Total votes: 43 (41%)
not crap
Total votes: 62 (59%)
Total votes: 105

act: giving to panhandlers

A confusing panhandling effort this morning had me thinking about this more than usual.

A man at the far end of the subway car began his introduction, detailed his circumstances, and thanked everybody for their time. Shortly thereafter, he stepped out of the car, presumably moving on to the next one, without even walking through to collect what contributions may have been out there.

Do you give?


act: giving to panhandlers

Often I do, but after visiting family in India, I have a hard time giving out scratch.

Inside my brain, I go:

But you have your legs and arms and your face isn't all scarred and your eyes aren't white and lifeless and you don't push yourself around on a little cart with your nubs, you fucking asshole. You wouldn't last an hour in Hyderabad, fuck you! Fuck You!

but then I just say:

Sorry, sir.

After about a month of decompression, I do on a case by case basis.

kerble is right.

act: giving to panhandlers

I'm so sick of it now, I spare the "Sorry".

Just 2 nights ago, a guy came up to my car when I was in the drive through, no shit. He was in his mid 20's and appeared healthy. He asked for money and I said "No". And then he said "No?" standing right next to my open window. "NO!" I said.
He was purposely trying to intimidate me.
I was mildly irritated, not intimidated, but what about a woman or some old person?

Get a job, YOU PILE OF SHIT.

act: giving to panhandlers

I think giving people money is a bad idea. I say no in all sorts of different ways from polite to less so depending on where and when. I appreciate the obvious liars the best, because I do not need to think about them at all. If the same woman needs money to get to the battered women's shelter everyday for a year, well...
Somebody with clipboard and a smooth line gives me pause. How the hell are you supposed to know what is going on. I say no to everyone, and give to Heifer International instead.

act: giving to panhandlers

On Edmonton’s trendiest bistrocafépubretrohuzzahshishisushiyuppified strip the local business association tried to force in a series of traffic meter-style pity-poles for people to toss change into an effort to move out all the vagrants and ne’er do wells that gravitated to the area from the downtown core – an ass-crap, urban-hygiene maneuver. Eventually a bunch of small business owners rallied to campaign against the thing (successfully).

Reminds me of when city councils deputize citizens to harass pan-handlers during international events.

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