Aparment Smells Like Smoke: Any Suggestions?

My ex-'s mother used to douse his car's interior in vinegar whenever she'd catch even a hint of cigarette smoke while in it (my ex-'s mother is...unique). It smelled awful for the first few days, but it did eventually get rid of the smoke smell. You may consider placing little dishes of white vinegar around the apartment for a few days, in addition to the previous ammonia/vinegar scrub suggestion earlier in the thread.

I've also heard that sprinkling the carpeting with baking soda and waiting for a few hours before vacuuming can help, though I've never tried that.
"To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost."

-Gustave Flaubert

Aparment Smells Like Smoke: Any Suggestions?

Mandroid2.0 wrote:My ex-'s mother used to douse his car's interior in vinegar whenever she'd catch even a hint of cigarette smoke while in it (my ex-'s mother is...unique). It smelled awful for the first few days, but it did eventually get rid of the smoke smell. You may consider placing little dishes of white vinegar around the apartment for a few days, in addition to the previous ammonia/vinegar scrub suggestion earlier in the thread.

Yep, my parents would do this the day after family parties. Small dish of vinegar with a bit of paper towel dipped in half sticking out of the solution. Clean the carpet and let the vinegar do it's work. You should be fine in a few day. If not........

Marsupialized wrote:have you thought about bringing in an exorcist?

Aparment Smells Like Smoke: Any Suggestions?

steam cleaned the carpet.
it's a little better but the whole place still smells like stale smoke.

looks like we're going to have to see what the management is willing to do...if anything. one of my cats got a bladder infection the other day and peed blood on the wall. i could always tell them there is more of that to come if they don't do anything.

thanks for the suggestions.

are you serious about that vinegar thing? if the smell is embedded in the carpet?
Rotten Tanx wrote: every time I watch Die Hard (6am and 8pm, mon to sat)...

Aparment Smells Like Smoke: Any Suggestions?

In my experience painting/priming, if done correctly, usually takes care of smoke smells coming from the walls. My guess is that the smell is coming from the kitchen cabinets and carpet. Cabinets generally aren't painted- so a quick wash with water and pinesol/tsp should fix that part of it. The carpet is more difficult. The hardware store quality carpet cleaner you rented probably did more harm than good to the carpet and may eventually exacerbate the smell (these machines don't properly rinse away the soap and the residue attracts more dirt and smells). A specialty carpet cleaning company could probably correct the problem for a $100 or so. Also, if it's really bad try changing out the lightbulbs and furnace filter (if applicable) and clean all of the windows. Actually, just try to clean any unpainted surface. Good luck.

Aparment Smells Like Smoke: Any Suggestions?

rzs wrote:I moved into a new apartment 2 weeks ago. The place smells like smoke.
We have cleaned it, aired it out, used one of those ozone generators that cleans the air, used carpet cleaners that you dump on the carpet and vacuum up and have also used a natural air deodorizer.
It has improved some, but it is still not good. Basically, the smell is not just in the air, it is embedded in either the carpet, walls or both. When I go to work, my clothes smell like smoke.
We are thinking of using one of those steam cleaners for the carpet.
If that doesn't work I'm out of ideas other than continue to complain to the management.

Does anyone have any suggestions about how to get rid of something like this?
Or does anyone know any special approach to take with management to get them to fix it once and for all?
I don't want to be a complete jerk about it or anything, but I wouldn't mind not smelling like smoke everywhere I go.

Other than the smell, the apartment is great.

Thanks or any suggestions.

I have an idea...just came to me.....now hear me out before you say no right away.......what I'm thinking is you can stop being such a pussy and just deal with it
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Aparment Smells Like Smoke: Any Suggestions?

man that totally fucking sucks, dude! good luck getting rid of that smell. there's nothing worse than living in a room that smells like old smoke.

i once made a reservation for a non-smoking room at a hotel, and when i got there they only had smoking rooms left and said there wasn't anything else i could do about it. i made sure to break a window before i left and said that i broke it trying to force it open so i could get some fresh air.

Aparment Smells Like Smoke: Any Suggestions?

Marsupialized wrote:
rzs wrote:I moved into a new apartment 2 weeks ago. The place smells like smoke.
We have cleaned it, aired it out, used one of those ozone generators that cleans the air, used carpet cleaners that you dump on the carpet and vacuum up and have also used a natural air deodorizer.
It has improved some, but it is still not good. Basically, the smell is not just in the air, it is embedded in either the carpet, walls or both. When I go to work, my clothes smell like smoke.
We are thinking of using one of those steam cleaners for the carpet.
If that doesn't work I'm out of ideas other than continue to complain to the management.

Does anyone have any suggestions about how to get rid of something like this?
Or does anyone know any special approach to take with management to get them to fix it once and for all?
I don't want to be a complete jerk about it or anything, but I wouldn't mind not smelling like smoke everywhere I go.

Other than the smell, the apartment is great.

Thanks or any suggestions.

I have an idea...just came to me.....now hear me out before you say no right away.......what I'm thinking is you can stop being such a pussy and just deal with it

this is the situation i'm trying to avoid, but it's looking more like what i'm going to have to do all the time.
i'd rather not have to deal with it if i don't have to though.

thanks for the kind words.
Rotten Tanx wrote: every time I watch Die Hard (6am and 8pm, mon to sat)...

Aparment Smells Like Smoke: Any Suggestions?

Marsupialized wrote:start your own, more powerful fire to overpower the smell of the original fire, I would suggest burning a truck tire filled with human hair in the bathtub.

Also, to add to this suggestion, if you had anyone you fancied murdering in the next couple of weeks, you could do the murder right up and mix the body parts in with the truck tire and human hair in the bathtub. The dismembering could be done in the bathtub, which of course is about to be burned.

Two birds, one stone. Three, if you count the free dismembering.

Aparment Smells Like Smoke: Any Suggestions?

drew patrick wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:start your own, more powerful fire to overpower the smell of the original fire, I would suggest burning a truck tire filled with human hair in the bathtub.

Also, to add to this suggestion, if you had anyone you fancied murdering in the next couple of weeks, you could do the murder right up and mix the body parts in with the truck tire and human hair in the bathtub. The dismembering could be done in the bathtub, which of course is about to be burned.

Two birds, one stone. Three, if you count the free dismembering.

Yeah but didn't Left Eye try that with a Reebok and end up burning the whole house down or something.

Or was that Pepa?
drew patrick wrote:Peripatetic will win.

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