Killing your parents vs. a nickel

Killing your parents
Total votes: 1 (17%)
A nickel
Total votes: 3 (50%)
Fuck this. Damn . . .
Total votes: 2 (33%)
Total votes: 6

Either-Or: Killing Your Parent vs. A Nickel

Many months ago, we had an either/or with Borat vs Snakes On A Plane. Remember that? When the question arose of how the two are in any way related, this happened:

Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:
horsewhip wrote:Oh, the same way Mission Of Burma and The Birthday Party are related, i.e. not at all. That's the whole point of Either/Or; comparing apples and oranges.
This mentality is fucking genius.
I can't wait for the following polls:
    Killing Your Parents vs. A Nickel
    Ice Cream vs. Migraines
    Hate Crimes vs. Crime and the City Solution
    Teddy Bears vs. Shoegazers
Are you drunk?

Now I for one found this funny as shit. I thought I'd give it some time and see if anyone as lame as I would do just that. Well congratulations to everyone on being a lot less lame than I expected. I however am not above the ludicrous. Many thanks to Christopher J. McGarvey for inspiration and make a me so laugh so hard I still laughing since November '06. So here it is.

Killing your parents vs. a nickel.

Either-Or: Killing Your Parent vs. A Nickel

You a grown man I've made some peace with the 'rents and have a pretty copacetic relationship with them. On holidays they send money.

Money is something that is always useful, so I would far rather have a nickel than kill my parents. And, if one were to ask me to kill my parents, it would require a far greater sum than a mere nickel. It would have to be at least a hundred times that much, and even then... parents don't have the greatest diet in the world. Last time I went home I went through their cupboard and told them "my god, you people eat like shit monkeys." So their own ill self-attendance may do them in before I even consider doing that five dollar hit.

Killing your, the idea just makes me sad...I can't do it, and you can keep your five-spot. Dicks.
You call me a hater like that's a bad thing

Ekkssvvppllott wrote:MayorofRockNRoll is apparently the poor man's thinking man.

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