Large Drums...good or bad?

the key to great sounds are to the most part locked in those guys long as you record I believe you will always desire getting that great drum sounds some cool old snares and maybe some kicks?buy new heads(which you will have to figure out what sounds best)and put in the hands of maybe the next Grohl or dale and let them go!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you are lucky enough to record @steve's ,his basement is like a music store of different parts to drum sets,full kits and dozen of snares,kicks and a shit load of heads!
really grown on me changing heads ond tuning drums in search of the holy grail of tone.
Good luck .

Large Drums...good or bad?

there's an informative article in the current issue of modern drummer about kick drums. to sum: aim for the middle. too large a drum and you can't possibly generate enough energy to make the heads resonate properly. too small, and the fundamental pitch of the drum is not low enough to sound "big." that article was a great friend on my band's tour last week and i really don't even care about drums. i'd check it out.

my advice: get a freakin north kit!

Large Drums...good or bad?

it really depends on the player.

a drummer can have perfectly tuned drums and be hitting directly in the center and have all the drums sitting on RIMS mounts and have the recommended heads for the recommended stlye of music as per the little graph on the back of the drumhead box...

but some lunatic with a 50 gallon oil drum turned sideways, stuffed with packing foam, and being struck with a broken Speed King pedal with a ball-peen hammer for a beater and a marching snare with warped calfskin heads covered with duct tape could also give you the best sounds you've ever heard.

borrow as many different things as you can, play on 'house' kits, play other people's kits, large and small, anything, any wood.

finding drums that you love and that will love you is a hard thing. it's like romantic love. some find it right away- others search for years.
but just look around- that one day when you hit a snare, or stomp a kick and start giggling and feel tingly and want to hit it again and again- whether it's big rock drums, or little jazz thingies- you'll know you've found YOUR kit!
"NILBOG is GOBLIN spelled backwards!!!!"
-Joshua. (Troll 2.)

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