Do you wake up early?

zzzzzzz (crap)
Total votes: 18 (58%)
not crap
Total votes: 13 (42%)
Total votes: 31

Act: Waking Up Early

NC if it's by choice.

I started getting up at 5 o the weekdays a while back. I never thought I'd say this but it's great for me. I work from home, and nobody ever calls before 9am so I can actually get things done. I stop working at 12 or 1, and a lot of times I can finish my shit for the week a day early. if I want to go out that night I take a siesta after lunch. for some reason on this schedule I'm much more willing to go to bed on time (by 10). when I was waking up at 8 I'd always stay up till 2 or 3.

Act: Waking Up Early

the Classical wrote:I am up by at least 7 on weekdays and usually by 8 on weekends. Doesn't matter when I fall asleep this is when I wake up

Even if I want to I cannot sleep in, which sucks cuz I hate being up in the mornings.

Waking up early:crap

Hmmm... try... eating worse, and getting less exercise?
"That man is a head taller than me.

...That may change."


Act: Waking Up Early

I find being up very early is an excellent way to start the day. I feel like a grown-up, up before everyone with time to enjoy a cup of tea and to just stroll through my morning routine.

I resolve to this every day, but it ends up happening about twice a year, usually when there's a flight to catch.

My alarm goes off at eight and I snooze for as long as possible, usually rising at nine which leaves me around 15 minutes to get from pillow to door.

Waking up early is not crap, but bed...bed is good.
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Act: Waking Up Early

I love getting up early before the sun comes up when I'm on vacation, and seeing the first rays of the sun coming over the eastern horizon. It's usually very still and quiet, and quite beautiful.

It's not anywhere near as much fun when I've stayed up all night and am very exhausted from overdoing it.
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Act: Waking Up Early

I find it next to impossible to get to sleep before 5am and always have. Getting out of bed, no matter how long I've slept for, is always difficult too.

Does anyone have a trick to forcing themselves out of bed? A friend of mine kept a spotlight lamp at the foot of his bed and when his alarm would go off he'd lean forward and flick the light on. Despite collapsing back onto his pillow he could never get back to sleep because of the very bright light pointed at his eyes.
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Act: Waking Up Early

itchy mcgoo wrote:Waking up early is not crap, but bed...bed is good.

Especially on a day like today, where it is slightly warm but very very overcast. I wanted to sleep all day.

I enjoy the three or four weeks I have when summer classes end and fall ones begin. After next week, it's three or four days of waking up early coupled with three days of working late nights, which makes waking up in general difficult because there's no daily consistency.
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