gallo wants $6500 for his tb500

that damned fly wrote:
mr.arrison wrote:
ubercat wrote:
steve wrote:I have a couple of 500s and an EGC. They're pretty much the same guitar other than the neck profile.

They sound about the same, except for one of the 500s with heavily modified pickups.

If you like Travis Bean 500s, you'll like the EGC500 unless you get hung up on the neck.

Like I said.

Like I said.

like i figured.

Like I cared.

gallo wants $6500 for his tb500

Sly Bug wrote:I give much more credit to your word than to Holmes', maybe is it because I tried Souvaris guitarist's TB 500, that he also owns an EGC 500 and that we both agreed the EGC was better.

To be fair, Daves TB500 is a 'bitsa' one and is made up of composite parts rather than being factory made though.

Personally speaking, i'm not keen on his EGC because the neck profile is wide but quite shallow. Even though i have big hands and long fingers, i found it quite uncomfortable to play.

However, Dave loves it, so that's what matters...
Disappointing the masses since 2006

gallo wants $6500 for his tb500

It seems really, really strange to me that given the significant differences in material/design between TBs and EGCs that they could be pretty much identical in sound.

I'm not suggesting they aren't, just that if somebody wrote that strats and teles are pretty much identical (featuring as they do wood/single coils and strings) it'd be a laughed out of court.


gallo wants $6500 for his tb500

I think the point is the differences are really subtle and probably not noticeable except to the most discerning geeks. In the World of guitars, Teles and Strats are not even in the same state. However, EGC500's and TB500's are in the same neighborhood in the same town on the same street.

So here, I will be the discerning geek:

The EGC500 + TB500 aluminum is the same or similar, the pickups are wound the same (with hotter volume pots) and within a quarter of an inch in the same location, the shape is the same or similar. The big difference is the wood and the plate of metal on the back and the neck profile. I don't know what TB500's were all made out of- mine was magnolia and the only other one I have played is some kind of darker wood. My EGC500 is one-piece alder and it is arguable that this wood really affects the sound that much. Really.

My EGC500 reminds me more of a nice nice Stratocaster type of sound than the the two TB500's I have played did, which were more bell-like. However, the ping, the middle pickup selector "grrr" and the sustain are nearly impossible to detect a difference without an oscilliscope- and even then I would argue the differences are probably LESS than the difference between a 1968 Strat in Lake Placid Blue and a 1969 Strat in Sunburst.

Most importantly, you can play your EGC out in public without risking being held up at gunpoint for your antique, rare-as-shit, down-payment-on-a-condo "student guitar" from the mid-1970's.

gallo wants $6500 for his tb500

Champion Rabbit wrote:I'm not suggesting they aren't, just that if somebody wrote that strats and teles are pretty much identical (featuring as they do wood/single coils and strings) it'd be a laughed out of court.

The differences between wooden guitars are more evident because there are more examples to learn from. Aluminum-necked guitars are probably more different from wooden guitars than they are similar to each other, but in terms of their difference from wooden guitars, they're pretty close.

So there are doubtless differences between chardonnays, but they are more similar to each other than they are to beer.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

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