
Total votes: 33 (43%)
not crap
Total votes: 44 (57%)
Total votes: 77

Drugs: Antidepressants

Rick Reuben wrote:Since I now see that Dr. Awkward has also picked up a torch, I will grant the mob what they want- another hiatus. It pains me to do it with the anniversary of the inside job so close, but no matter. I will take the cross on my back, and sacrifice my free speech for a while.

Let me get this straight. You've gotten yourself into a shitty situation(s) on this board through your own choices and actions, much like how someone could end up depressed as a result of their own choices and actions.

Instead of trying to change your lifestyle/personality to avoid getting yourself into such a situation(s), you're just going to back out. Take the easy option, much like someone with depression (genuine or otherwise) does when they decide to take anti-depressants.

No-one explicitly said that they want another hiatus, they just want you to stop being such a fucking dick.

Back on topic, I'm fairly certain that if I hadn't taken Fluoxetine a few years ago, I would have killed myself.

Anti-depressants are Not Crap.
"Why stop now, just when I'm hating it?" - Marvin

Drugs: Antidepressants

Nico Adie wrote:Let me get this straight. You've gotten yourself into a shitty situation(s) on this board through your own choices and actions, much like how someone could end up depressed as a result of their own choices and actions.

Instead of trying to change your lifestyle/personality to avoid getting yourself into such a situation(s), you're just going to back out. Take the easy option, much like someone with depression (genuine or otherwise) does when they decide to take anti-depressants.

Holy gold. Winner!

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

Drugs: Antidepressants

There we go. Some good give and take. Although I would prefer that the bitter-animosity factor not outbalance the flow-of-information factor, but that's just me. And is that really what's happening? Of course another way to look at it is that bitter animosity or better yet verbal (digital?) hostility is an emotion of a kind, sometimes a very intense one. Those who prefer their/or others' emotions to be managed chemically may instinctively feel repelled by such an intense emotion, as they would associate it with painful or just plain unrewarding past experiences that never seemed to have gotten anywhere. For them. But this is just speculation on my part, and no doubt the conversation is far from over here.

Drugs: Antidepressants

Rick Reuben wrote:My hiatus was an anklebiter!

uh, let's see i look at one post and it says the 20th

then i look at another and it says the 22nd

it took, oh about 10 seconds of detective work

how hard was it for you to stop yourself from posting here all that time, ranklewriter?

BadComrade wrote:Fuck off.

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