One Last Show...

oucheh wrote:Storm and Stress

I have an intense and abiding dislike for this band. I always felt like they were trying to trick me or talk over my head, and I really resented their approach. I understood the idea and the execution, but this particular emperor, in my opinion, had no clothes. But I guess that I understand why other folks might like them.

And perhaps I am just wrong.

oucheh wrote:quick aside, Brad, did you go to U of Iowa? I think I saw .22 open for either Archers or Seam, I don't remember. congrats on the new record.

Yes, I was graduated from The University of Iowa.

One Last Show...

husker du (i'm convinced this will eventually happen.. they will want the money)
the dicks (original lineup)

minor threat is too old for that shit, and those guys collect jeeps and things like that. they did recreate the "dischord house" picture at jeff nelson's wedding.

One Last Show...

run joe, run wrote:Oh, oh - I want to change one of mine. I want to get rid of Spacemen 3/The Shaggs and have -


I have mixed feelings about the re-formations i have witnessed (some incredible, some painful) but if i could see SLEEP i would die a happy man. I didn't get into them in time and i'm not sure they even made it to the UK for Dopesmoker. A (wishful thinking) part of me even believes this may one day happen. But i guess i'm kidding myself right?

Hanatarash would be exciting i reckon.

And i'll say Guided By Voices too, as i have not and will not make it out for this last tour. I'll go and continue to cry into my cereal now.
You're a shit DM and i want my pizza money back.

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