Are you circumcised?

I'm packing a full helmet overall
Total votes: 41 (30%)
Total votes: 94 (70%)
Total votes: 135


ironyengine wrote:
endofanera wrote:
ironyengine wrote:I'm uncut, I bathe, and I use condoms. No problems thus far.

Thanks. Please dont let us know if any develop.

I'll be sure to keep you as uninformed as ever.

Well played. Salut, ironyengine!
"You get a kink in your neck looking up at people or down at people. But when you look straight across, there's no kinks."
--Mike Watt


I was talking about this very subject a year or so ago with a good friend who is a urologist. He said that on balance it really doesn't matter if one is or is not circumcised (though he did mention that it was important to keep the foreskin clean, which is especially important for babies and young kids). However, he said that there is an extremely rare form of cancer that uncircumcised men have a very very small chance of contracting, but which circumcised men have no chance at all of contracting.

My friend Matt Diehl once memorably described uncircumcised penises as resembling "wet cigars."


LaSalle bon Dioxide wrote:I hear that the foreskin is one of the most sensitive parts of the intact penis, giving the bearer of an intact dick greater sexual pleasure. I am not so fortunate to know this type of stimulus.

i really can't fathom being more sensitive...even with my chopped weiner, at the slightest touch i'm ready to spray all over the place...


steve wrote:Statistically it can be shown that, all else being equal, men with uncircumcised penises have a greater risk of contracting AIDS than people like me, who have been trimmed, and are display-caliber. The mechanism is probably that the foreskin traps booty-juice, which then has more time to transmit the virus to the diz-hole.

There’s not much point in responding to this w/o knowing if these stats are limited to the American demographic, etc. I suspect this "all else being equal" determinant rides rough shod over a lot of socio-economic, age, and regional factors. In any case, it seems like a very lame thing to give even cursory credence to.

HIV transmission has nothing to do with penile dewlap.


I have my foreskin, and am very sensitive on the head of my penis. I also find that I have to wash myself everytime I take a leak, and that can be especially annoying in public bathrooms, so ill just put myself back in my pants on occasions like that, and remain very uncomfortable. I have a friend who was uncircumsized until he was about eight years old, and his parents had the procedure done for him and his brother, who was a few years younger. He said he can still remember sitting in the bathtub a few weeks after having been snipped and preparing to have the bandage removed, and when his mother finally took it off it was the worst pain he has ever experienced. I think that is pretty cruel to make an eight year old go through that when you couldnt make up your mind from the start. I dont know if I would like the feeling of having a dried out head on my penis that you can bang on the side of a tin can, and not even be bothered by it. I like the sensitivity of mine, and how its always moist, except for when I pee. It would definately feel terribly uncomfortable the first few weeks after being circumcised, waiting for your penis to harden up, not to mention the agony from the pain you would feel. I had a very slight cut on part of my foreskin near the head of my penis once, and it burned like a motherfucker going to the bathroom or taking a shower

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